
Well Known Member
I find some builders logs are a huge help walking me through the build. I really liked Smitty's but I have gone qb wings and qb fues and am now ahead of him. I am just looking for some really detailed sites to help out when I get a little lost. Specific to qb would be ideal. Any suggestions welcome for the 9a. Thanks. :p
Try Jerry Thorne's http://www.n2prise.org/
It was a huge help to me as I was installing my baffles and FF stuff. His complete build is on there and I assume it is as good as the FF stuff. Lots of pictures for those of us who don't have good reading comprehension.
Thanks Bruce. I already have his and will spend some more time at it, i just got used to a couple like Smittys, with his sense of humour, goof ups etc that really save a pile of wasted time and screw ups and always kept me smiling. Sometimes the instructions leave lots to the "as required" type of comments and some of those tough issues with lots of close up pics have been great. Happy building

I don't think anyone has mentioned Dan Checkoway's website. While it documents Dan's RV7, it has a tremendous amount of info and pictures that were very useful to me while I was building my 9A. Most of the parts and processes are the same. you can't go wrong with any of the 9 sites mentioned previously, but check out www.rvproject.com also. Jack
RV-9 Sites

I have always enjoyed Gary Newstead's site with a lot of pictures on the various phases of the build... http://www.jlc.net/~fcs/Builders_Journal.htms
He went with a Subie engine but all airframe items of course are common. I also have found Andy Karmy's electrical pictures valuable as I began to plan out the architecture of my elecrical system following Bob Nuckalls ideas...http://www.karmy.com/rv9a/.

Doug Lomheim
90116, Mazda 13B install
Use links on Vans Website

I use Scott Card's site alot. Alot of information, great pictures, and just the way I would do my panel if I had the bucks. Thinks things through very well and explains his reasoning. Sorry I don't have the link but he is listed on Van's website link page.