Well Known Member
I am just about ready to order my autopilot and decided on TruTrak's ADI Pilot II. TruTrak offers this ADI for $ 3995. Do you guys know if can be ordered somewhere for less ??
they have really good sevice! I would buy it from them, mine was shipped and had a rattle in it. No questions asked they shipped out a replacment.
If your only factor in deciding where to buy stuff is the absolute lowest price on the planet, then we're probably not the choice. See, we've made a conscious decision not to compete with people on price alone. If you're looking for support after the sale, people who've installed the most, sold the most and have a full time staff of dedicated people then we're a good choice.

Anyway, I'm not stumping - but rather pointing out that we're likely not going to be the absolute cheapest out there. If it's worth $50 to get more value then great, if not then you can spend a few hours finding the lowest price person out there. Just remember, sometimes that absolute lowest price will come back to haunt you when you have a question, need support or ask the "order taker" at the big box house how it's supposed to work. Unlike some of the dealers who are part time or just order takers, we have to charge more because our livelyhood depends on it. I'd love to sell everything to people at steep discounts like others, but then we'd go out of business and have to do it part employees like to get paid more than minimum wage, and I'd like to keep growing the business so being the "cheapest" isn't my goal in life at the moment.

Just my 2 cents as usual an my apologies for the sarcasm....I just sort of get a wee bit peeved when the question always comes up about "who is cheapest"....not "who is best value". I'll stop before I get into too much trouble!

SteinAir said:
Just my 2 cents as usual an my apologies for the sarcasm....I just sort of get a wee bit peeved when the question always comes up about "who is cheapest"....not "who is best value". I'll stop before I get into too much trouble!


Didn't buy my Tru-Trak from Wal-Mart either. Bought it from Stein! :D

Hi guys,

I had no intention whatsoever to start a discussion here. I think everybody agrees that it is qualiity that we want. We all decided on an RV, enough said.. I was merely wondering if there was a big bandwidth in pricing.

Thanks for all the replies everybody !
Pirkka said:
And I would guess that they don't have it in stock so you may have to wait a while but you can save some bucks. However what kind of support you can ask from a Spruce? The price ain't everything.

Also Dynon prices at Spruce are lower than at Dynon itself. ;)
sir: like some other "brick and mortar" stores, spruce forwards order to tru-trak, tt contacted me for addt. info, will ship from tt, and tt support is excellent. I save $$. spruce makes some $, and tt is who I deal with for support. We all win. Extra $ for me to spend on RV stuff !
I got my AP (Digiflight II) through Stark Avionics. Hard to beat their prices usually, and if they are higher, ask them to lower it to beat/match what ever else you see. Get the product support directly from TruTrak. They gave me great service and didnt care what I paid for it or who I bought it from.

erich weaver