
Well Known Member
How many are having oil analysis done on their Rotax? Is there a consensus on one lab or another being the best, or are they pretty much all equal? I'm thinking about starting to have it done.
I have used Blackstone Labs for years and have been very satisfied. No charge for the kit and very quick response after they receive the sample. A side benefit is that you have an accurate record to present at time of sale of the aircraft. Really cheap insurance.
+1 for Blackstone. I started using them with the RV-12 and have used them with every airplane since. I like their report and the information it provides. Some other labs do not give as detailed a report.
Which kit?

for the rotax, do you order the aircraft kit or the gas/Diesel engine kit? Does it depend on what fuel you are burning?

There is an option for aircraft kits. There is a form that comes in the kit that allows you to tell them about your engine.
The two I hear owners talk about all the time is Avlabs and Blackstone. I kind of favor Avlabs for several reasons. This is part of good record keeping. Once a year after about 200 hrs. seems to be the average.

When ask what type of cylinders choose nickle.
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Blackstone has always done the analysis on my car, and can't wait to add my airplane to the list!