
Well Known Member

Not directly RV related, but...

Is anyone else miffed about the SNF award going to a Europa with a Rotax 912ULS engine? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the 912ULS the standard engine for the Europa? Isn't the 912ULS the same as the certified 912S, minus the paperwork, and extra cost?

I don't mean any disrespect to the builder of the plane, as I'm sure the installation is neat, clean, and pretty, but I guess this means that my RV-8 with an Aerosport O-360 is qualified for the non-certified engine award as well, along with at least 90% of all RV's.

Sorry for the rant, but as a previous builder of an alternative engine RV, I realize what goes into making your own FWF installation work, and giving this award to someone who just bolts on an essentially certified engine is just wrong. What are they thinking :confused:

Rusty (off to cut Plexi now, silent prayer to the canopy gods)
Who cares?

When I started building my RV-8, many people commented on how nice the construction was. Everyone thought I would win awards with it. I was excited about showing it when it was completed. In the meantime I read many articles in Sport Aviation about grand champions that were built (partially or totally) by professional builders for pay. The owner would then put it in a show and take the big trophy. It made me so mad I swore I would never put my plane in a show. The whole thing trivialized to the point of being a joke. I don't even look at the list of winners anymore.
Who cares?


This probably falls into the category of "who really cares," award. BUT, If I was a betting man I say the answer is $$$$$$$$$$$$$.