
Well Known Member
Anybody have the best LOE route from Central Texas... best lunch stops, best fuel prices, cool places to see on the way?
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Umm, point the nose west? Don't need a particular route, just go west. You can make it non-stop from Central Texas, no need for lunch or fuel stops assuming 42 gal. tanks. I've flown Houston to Santa Theresa non-stop four times now; ETE with the usual headwinds is around 3:45. Punch in 5T6 on the GPS and follow the line. Nearing Big Lake ya might call up Center and check the status of the Texon MOA. There's not really much to see once you get west of Fredericksburg or Junction, just miles and miles of brown; then again, with all the rain we've had things might've greened up a bit.
Us DFW folks usually fly direct E11 (Andrews) for fuel and then direct to about 1000' south of the edge of El Capitan. Then the VFR corridor at El Paso (just north of the airport) and then direct Santa Teresa.
Absolutely no reason to avoid El Paso airspace. They enjoy working RVs crossing over. Once I told them I would remain clear of their airspace and they acted insulted.
I'm bring...

the wife along and she has only been in the RV twice, so I was thinking an easy trip over to 5T6 with some extras along the way would earn a few browny points for going other places with me in the RV. I realize there's not a lot out WEST, just looking for ideas. Thanks!
"Nothing to see" out there gets a new meaning... Hopefully she'll bring a good book for the ride :) You should be able to make it non-stop easily..
easy fuel stop

Cheap fuel in Andrews (E1) for certain. 3 runways for the windy days. 6,000 feet well lit at night.

Flat land and oil wells every where for the view out the window during the daytime.
From KAPA Friday morning, First stop @ Raton (KRTN) Larry Vetterman says great place for lunch and fuel. I'm going to follow his lead. See ya there!
Thomas Shpakow
LOE Route Check Please...

Us DFW folks usually fly direct E11 (Andrews) for fuel and then direct to about 1000' south of the edge of El Capitan. Then the VFR corridor at El Paso (just north of the airport) and then direct Santa Teresa.

Doug (or anyone familiar) take a look at this screenshot from the LOE route I created in the AOPA Flight Planner (my route is the thick black line). You mention the VFR corridor at El Paso just north of the airport. I've never flow out west below the flight levels and I don't have a sense of where you cross the mountains - if that is even a worry, etc. Could you point out for me where that is on this "chart?" I'll look it up on actual charts, of course, but I want to get an idea of my time/fuel/altitude estimates now for preliminary planning purposes.

Clayton, my opinion is fly direct to LOE and fly OVER El Paso class C airspace. Use flight following and they should pass you on to El Paso approach so you may be able to cross at a lower altitude than 8500'. The mountains I see don't seem significant so just climb or divert north/south as you see fit to provide adequate terrain clearance.

If there are significant winds at mountain top altitude (over 30 knots or so), do exercise caution. Check the AOPA website for an on-line mountain flying course.

Personally, I avoid VFR corridors. Your RV can climb over all that stuff. My guess is that the "VFR corridor" is just the airspace between El Paso Class C and the restricted areas to the north.

I will add a disclaimer that I am a "fly high" guy. 8500' is low from my experience and even flying back east I was usually at least 10,500' if possible.
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