
Well Known Member
Every now and then we all need a good laugh and nothing like some really good hanger lies.

I'll start it out.

My RV is so fast that when I take off and return from trip, you can see both sides at the same time
I don't think even I, a CML (Certified Master Lier) can top that! You win!
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...There I was, looking up at the ground with my hair on fire

I landed yesterday on bowling ball sized rocks alongside a high mountain stream. I have bush tires, you know. I rolled to a stop in fifty feet due to the 60 knot wind right down the strip. Yes - I'm that god, err, good.

Caught about a dozen trout within about 15 minutes and headed home. Had to take off with the tailwind, but due to my horsepower, and of course my skill, I was able to make it out, just barely skimming the treetops at the end of the runway.

Of course I have pictures of all of this. Many people have seen them. I'll post them here in a day or two. You'll see!

Beat that! :D
My 6 is soo.......lite........

I have to tie it down in the hangar, before I start my Wal-mart fan. Yep, I forgot one time and had to pull her back down with a winch.
No idea what your talking about

Sometimes if the weatherman predicts headwinds I'll fly backwards so that it doesn't affect our enroute time negatively. As an added bonus we don't have to turn around to come home. But I hate to brag. ;)
My RV uses so little fuel that sometimes I have to sell it back to the fuel pump.

Come on Larry - you're a CML....show us your stuff.
Anybody have a good spreadsheet to convert TAS in kts to warp factor?

It's late, and I couldn't help myself. :p

100kts is Warp Factor 0.0000001715
(1kt = .0003194 statute mi/sec) Warp 1 = c = 186,282 mi/sec

If it makes you feel any better, the ISS is only traveling Warp 0.0000260954. :D
Every now and then we all need a good laugh and nothing like some really good hanger lies.

I'll start it out.

My RV is so fast that when I take off and return from trip, you can see both sides at the same time

Are you sure you're getting full power out of your engine? I can return home before I've departed. It's pretty handy to stop yourself and find out if you're going to have any troubles and what the weather is doing before you go. :D
Are you sure you're getting full power out of your engine? I can return home before I've departed. It's pretty handy to stop yourself and find out if you're going to have any troubles and what the weather is doing before you go. :D

Does it count if I have to file my flight plan with NASA?
Hanger Flying Lancair Style

A friend with a Lancair happens to share a hanger with a gent with a Glassair 111. One day while I was paying a little to much attention to the Glassair he seemed to be bothered a bit. He told me, "That's the crate that they shipped my Lancair in."
I kinda disappointed. I figured after OSH that the boasts would be rapid fire such as .......

the only reason that the 37 bird formation wasn't bigger was the tower was afraid that a solar eclipse would occur and some of the pilots coming in were up to date on night landings.....
I've got a friend who has to drain about a half quart of oil between oil changes.

(cheating a bit; this one's not a lie)
You Think That's Something

After doing my own maintenance on the RV for several years now a trend has begun to emerge. Every time I put something back together there is at least one extra part when the job is finished. At first this bothered me, but after some thought it dawned on me that I could build a second plane without buying another kit. I'm figuring it to weigh around 550 lbs when it is finished.
Must have been the same day that I got a call from the IRS and the guy said he was there to help me.......

Must have been the same guy that called me...said something that it was their fault and they'll be sending someone to the house with cash...
Stimulas Check

I was once helped by the FAA...
Maybe it was the same day that Obama sent me a check that I am required to spend on avgas to help stimulate the economy by flying out for $100 burgers. The program is called "Cash for Gas with Fries"
A check to pilots? Why our airport manager was instructed to turned back the pumps to 1970's pricing just so we all could fly more and go out and stimulate the economy buying those burgers.