Hi guys

Against my better judgement I drilled out an AD-4 in the T-405 fuel tank attach bracket.

In my haste (proseal curing) I wallowed the hole pretty badly.

That image shows an undriven AD-5 sitting in the hole, note there is still "plenty" of clearance around the shank.

Edge distance is intact for that rivet and the hole is a better fit on the inside. (i.e. the wallowing doesn't extend deeply into the hole)

I have considered a couple of fixes so far.

1) If I put the shop head on the outside (as in the image) it should fill the gap nicely

2) I could ream the hole for an AN3 bolt, at least it will be perfectly round all the way through then. I'm unaware of anyone using nuts and bolts in their tanks and their success in doing so.

3) Last question, do you think if the rivet was driven from the outside that the shank would expand and fill the gap just under the head? I have my doubts that it would..

I have asked the same of Vans but unusually haven't gotten a response yet. (been about a week)

Does anybody have any suggestions as to a possible solution here?

Thanks in advance
That doesn't look so bad to me. If that's the worst hole you've done so far I'd not be worried at all. If it were me, I'd just put a rivet in it and build on.
What Bob said...

Go ahead and drive that rivet! Then goop it up with ProSeal and no one will ever know the difference.