
Well Known Member
Hi gang:

I'm starting to shop for a 406 ELT and I'm wondering what the best value is out there (not the cheapest, but the best bang for the buck).

I see a few for under 1000.00, but it looks like you have to spend twice that to get a built in GPS. I really don't want to open up my wiring again to run a new line from my 496 GPS so this appeals to me.

Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated.

I'm starting to shop for a 406 ELT and I'm wondering what the best value is out there (not the cheapest, but the best bang for the buck).
Best bang-for-the-buck: Install a 121.5MHz ELT, and carry a SPOT tracker.

When the MD-RA inspector tells you that you have to have a 406MHz ELT, require that they show you the CAR that requires 406MHz ELT's. They are not required yet, but MD-RA "policy" (not supported by regulation) is that all new construction needs a 406MHz ELT.
I would second, or third the ideas put forth. Having read too many accident reports in decades... of the ELT G switch failing to activate. As a CFI, I teach students to just turn it on at first sign of serious trouble.
What I do is meet the law for the plane. Then I carry an EPIRB 406 in my pocket or glove box. If I am down... it will get help on the way, and I know it is activated. ACR and Kannad make them.
If cost is critical, PM me and I can get one at a lower cost... new, for you.

I went with this one from ACS for $549. They occasionally have a $50 off special. Look for deals around OSH week.

This does not have GPS installed but can accept location information from an external GPS.
how does one decide?

My AmeriKing 121.5 ELT died ( shocker!!! ) so was forced to upgrade......I did a little research, and my avionics guy recommended this one. Pointer Skyhunter...not just 'pointer' for some strange corporate reason.


& for some reason not at ACS anymore.
at $1200, not the cheapest, but had good specs; the president of the company called me and shipped out an external antennae ( frt. prepaid) so I could do the install the next weekend.
...but you really have to decide what lets you sleep at night.
I thought about the worst case, me....toast, PLB crushed or inop, what will get help to the passenger without technical knowledge.

I added some plain English instructions to the dash activator/button, as it is not self-explanatory.


also have a good look at which ones will hurt a bit when it's time to change the battery...does it have to be sent in, or have your shop do it? or can you do it yourself?
This one has a lot of self-test features, perhaps true of most 406, so I question why it has to go on the bench every year for a $200 test ?
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Perry - Pointer has ceased to manufacture the Skyhunter; the owner of Pointer has, instead, moved full steam ahead into providing training programs for drone operations.

As far as "best" ELT recommendations, I will admit I was an early adopter and was very poorly treated by ARTEX. As a result, now that Ameri-King is effectively out of the picture, I rate ARTEX products at the bottom of the heap. I've had excellent experience with Kannad products - all of them that I have installed or have been installed on my recommendation have worked flawlessly. I have one in my "flying" airplane and one in y "project", as well as one in the airplane I maintain/operate for a friend. Zero problems.

As with the Ameri-King saga, sometimes you DO get what you pay for. Bottom buck normally means bottom quality.

As others have pointed out, relying solely on an ELT is unwise. Stack the odds in your favour by using multiple lifelines. 406 ELT, 406 PLB, flight plan and cell phone, in addition to other tracing services are all good when used in combination.
Thanks guys, that's the kind of information I was looking for.

We had the Trenton SAR people at a COPA meeting, good people doing good work. I decided that night if these guys are going to come looking for me I would do my part and buy a 406 ELT. I will be backing it up with a PLB in my pocket.

I had not really looked at the Kannad, that does look like a nice unit.

Mark, do you care to elaborate on the problems you had with ARTEX? Perhaps off line?

Tailwinds, Terry.
The battery replacement on the Kannad is $480 :(

I picked up the Artex 345 for my RV and am considering getting one for my 172 also. The price is good ($550), reasonable battery cost ($150) and it seems a pretty solid unit. No complaints but I have not installed yet.

I am also interested in hearing what the problems with the Artex were.
Thanks guys, that's the kind of information I was looking for.

We had the Trenton SAR people at a COPA meeting, good people doing good work. I decided that night if these guys are going to come looking for me I would do my part and buy a 406 ELT. I will be backing it up with a PLB in my pocket.

I had not really looked at the Kannad, that does look like a nice unit.

Mark, do you care to elaborate on the problems you had with ARTEX? Perhaps off line?

Tailwinds, Terry.

Glad to hear you've decided to go with a 406 ELT, Terry.

As for ARTEX, I don't hide my experience from others, but rather choose to share it so others might avoid having a rotten experience as I had.

First, some background. In the early days of the ME406 product, it was not on the approved list for use in Canada. I took it upon myself to clear the bureaucratic logjam which was preventing approval of this ELT. ARTEX was aware that I did this for them (they had to be, since I was the one who emailed them both their Industry Canada and Transport Canada approvals!). All this was done because I was looking for a low-cost 406 ELT to install in my own airplane.

Fast forward a year and my nearly-new ME406 is in the shop for its annual recertification tests... which it failed. After a repair which cost over $250 I was back in business. Fast forward another 11 months and I've got the ME406 removed from the aircraft and sitting on nice plush carpet in my home, in a location where nobody can disturb it. Imagine my surprise when my son walks in the front door, sees the ELT and asks why the red light is on!!! Sure enough, it had failed again. This time it was going to be another $150 plus a new battery since I had no idea how long it had actually been transmitting while sitting inside my house (thankfully it appears it really hadn't been transmitting at all).

When I contacted ARTEX to see if they would help with the repair cost of this "repeat offender" ELT, they flatly said "it's out of warranty," and left me to my own devices. Then I contacted their marketing folks, the same ones who had received the Canadian approval certificates from me. We chatted for not more than two minutes when I was told, flat out, that the ME406 does not have a known issue with its G-switch - it was the G-switch which had failed in mine the second time. Then I made the mistake of suggesting the Australian's thought otherwise, and with enough conviction to have issued a mandatory Airworthiness Directive regarding ARTEX G-switches. That resulted in the phone being hung up by the friendly folks at ARTEX.

Not wishing to throw more good money after bad, I sold the ELT with full disclosure of its history, and at a price which didn't even pay for the repairs I had accomplished.

Since that time I have only installed Kannad ELT's, and none of them have exhibited any failures or faults. They've been rock solid. Likewise for Kannad as a company; I emailed them suggestions for improvements to their installation manual. They not only incorporated the suggestions but sent me a draft to ensure they had properly incorporated the information I had provided. They were friendly to deal with and treated me with respect, rather than the contempt I had been shown by ARTEX.

As a result of the above little bit of history, I now steer clear of ARTEX and recommend others do likewise. Their attitude toward customers is very similar to that of the now-defunct Ameri-King. Buyer beware.
I've been testing, installing, and replacing ELT's for awhile now as an A&P. Years ago everyone motored happily along with whatever ELT was in their plane. When Part 91 was changed to include yearly testing, guess what? Most of them were junk and didn't work. Notably the aftermarket models were worst. Seems like the metal cased D&M models were generally good, maybe because they were built like a vault. I'm not sure why a dozen companies had so much trouble making a simple transmitter that wouldn't go bad. They just sit there. Has anyone out there had a PLB that just went bad on them?