
Well Known Member
This past weekend my wife and I began thinking about our trip to Oshkosh. I'm wondering if there is a particularly good or bad day to arrive so that we don't get diverted to one of the reliever airports ? I don't think she can handle a week of camping, so we will probably stay 3 nights. I'm thinking we should arrive Monday and leave Thursday ?
Monday through Wednesday are clearly the best days for RV'ers.

Flying in Monday morning may be a little crazy unless you're there when the field opens.

I've been flying in on Saturday to watch the mass arrivals. Then Sunday is just a leisure day watching aircraft and meeting up with friends.

You may want to check out the dorms. They are a little more spouse friendly. Mine doesn't like camping either.

I like to arrive on the Saturday before.
Lots of RV's arrive on Saturday, but most come on Sunday and Monday.

Sunday is a great day to sit beside runway 9-27 with a hand held and watch the planes come in. It can get exciting!

Oshkosh arrival

If you fly into Oshkosh on Saturday, make sure you know the schedule for the arrival of all the caravans, as they really screw up the arrival process for everyone else. We try to arrive on Friday but when weather changes our plan we fly in early on Sat morning, before the caravans.

I have been going to Oshkosh since 1980. Lots of fun!
I like to fly in on Friday before the notam starts. The traffic is light. We get to watch the mass arrivals on Saturday, more fun.
This year we plan on leaving on Thursday morning and visit Newfoundland, and Maine. Usualy we stay through Sunday and watch every one fly out. It's all fun.!!!
Sunday is a great day to sit beside runway 9-27 with a hand held and watch the planes come in. It can get exciting!

Boy, this is the truth. Our first fly-in trip, we arrived Saturday afternoon. Sunday we did just like you said, watched the arrivals with a handheld. After about an hour or so, I decided that I was never going to arrive at OSH Sunday afternoon. I was getting nervous and tense just listening in!
Sunday is my preferred day to arrive. Any day is actually a good day.

Arrived once on Saturday. The bad thing for me was that the bus does not run to the dorm where I stay on Saturday. The bus starts running on Sunday. There was a $20 fee to hire a van to go to the dorm.

Other than during airport closures, "Show Planes" are always able to land and get a parking spot.
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Other than during airport closures, "Show Planes" are always able to land and get a parking spot.
This is correct, the field never closes to showplaces (including homebuilts.) You will get a parking spot... might not be a good spot, but you will get one.