
Well Known Member
I am building my avionics stack and only need a comm or two no nav. required. So what is the best bang for the buck???

It is a bit more expensive, but the SL-40 is hard to beat. It let's you listen to 2 freqs at once and will download freqs from the GPS (if it is a Garmin). I really like mine.
XCOM 760

I am pleased with my XCOM. Listen to two freqs, NOAA, NAV freqs, all in a 2 1/4" one pound package. Plus it has a great built-in intercom. Cons: pricy and display needs backlight even in daylight.

Bob Kelly
I love my SL-40

The SL-40 is an awesome radio! I understand the intercom isn't the greatest, but I'm not using it so I can't really say. I never really figured I'd use the ability to send freqs from the Garmin 496, but I was wrong. I use it all the time.

If low $$$ is the top consideration, the Icom gets my vote as well. Had one in my Citabria, and never expected you could get such a nice radio for so little money.
My vote is for the SL-40. Two radios for the price of one. Slim...looks good. Absolutely a breeze to wire.

I've used the Icom A-200 in a couple of Diamond DA-20's. They work as well if not better than the GNS430's mounted just above them. Unfotunately the ICOMs seem to have taken a bit of a beating in the rental -20's (i.e. loose or inoperable knobs) where the 430's looked pristine, even though they were all installed in the panels since new. I'm sure if you took care of the A-200 it would be perfectly fine. ICom makes some great stuff. I absolutely love my IC-A24 handheld I received for Christmas. If you're of the persuasion to buy American whenever possible you should note that ICOM is a Japanese company.

I know that a while back some folks (maybe on the matronics lists) were talking about the faceplates of their A-200s melting in the hot sun. It may be something worth checking out.

Also, if you ever think you may be interested in upgrading to a NAV/COM, the SL-40 is the sure bet since it uses the same tray and COM wiring as the SL-30.
X-COM has a NAV receiver?

Hi Bob,

Did you say your XCOM has a nav receiver?

videobobk said:
I am pleased with my XCOM. Listen to two freqs, NOAA, NAV freqs, all in a 2 1/4" one pound package. Plus it has a great built-in intercom. Cons: pricy and display needs backlight even in daylight.

Bob Kelly
I'd vote for the SL40 as the best all around.

Plus: Dual RX, NWS band RX, good memory functions, good display, good software config of sidetone level, etc., integrates well with G396/496
Minus: No VOR RX, using internal intercom removes dual RX, not as cheap as A200
Jamie said:
I know that a while back some folks (maybe on the matronics lists) were talking about the faceplates of their A-200s melting in the hot sun. It may be something worth checking out.

I have one of the melting face plates. AZ sun is brutal in summer. Talked to the sales force while at OSH and they said you'd have to send it in for them to look at. No one could tell me if I could just buy a new face plate. Radio has worked well however and it still looks good. I'm neutral on recommending it. Not good if you travel to the heat.

It didn't actually melt...but the black plastic face surround is permanently bulged up about 1/4" in the center on the top. If I had embedded the radio face into the panel I would not have noticed the bulge. I like it sticking out ~1/2" so I can steady my fingers on it when switching freqs in the bumps. Bumps happen.