
Today 11:34 UTC I got airborne after 1 year and 2 month of building.
The first flight took 20 minutes over the airfield and was smooth and without any stress moments. It flies like on rails...

My RV 8 is now officially a RV 8 CB registered as D-ERVC
Equipped with a Lycoming IO-360 Angle valve, a MT 3 blade counterweight aerobatic prop. and a single 10" dynon skyview with auto pilot.


It's a dream!!!

I wish everyone a great Christmas time and happy new year!!
Congratulations. What a holiday present !!!! Could not be better timing.
Be safe and have fun on each of the next flights. Cheers
Congratulations Christoph! Good luck with your flight test program.

Fly safe, and have fun.

Merry Christmas,
Holly ****

Seriously 1 year and 2 months to build an 8. I cant imagine. Holly cow batman that is some serious production. You sure you used all the bolts and rivets??

Enjoy your new plane, fly safe and fly lots. May 2014 be a heavy flying year.
Holly ****

Seriously 1 year and 2 months to build an 8. I cant imagine. Holly cow batman that is some serious production. You sure you used all the bolts and rivets??

My thoughts exactly ! :eek:
Fly safe and congratulations Chris. ;)
Herzlichen Gl?ckwunsch und immer Happy Landings.
Bitte poste doch mal ein paar Bilder von Deiner -8.
Frohe Weihnachten!

Thanks a lot for the friendly words!
I will post some pictures the next days after recovering from Christmas Dinner :)

The most demanding task on the process was preparation of the documents for certification... that took me around 2 month.
Now I know how it works... :)

Merry Christmas to you all !!!
Herzlichen Gl?ckwunsch!!!!

Ich wunsche dir viel spass und immer guten flug mit deiner rv8.

New 8

What a great way to start a new year, maravilloso! Amigo! ;) We need pics though, after you digest Christmas. Next time your in Northern California I will buy lunch, how a bout a Hambuerg-er?

Hello everyone!

as promised some pictures from first flight. They are not the best but better pictures will follow!

I hope to meet some of you RV people in the future somewhere here in europe or in the US... ( I love Hamburgers :) ) Maybe I make it to northern California...

My home base is Uetersen Airfield EDHE, 10NM west out of Hamburg City.
I have a large hangar with some space and a fridge with cold drinks...

So if anyone is around let me know you are invited with or without RV!


Preflight in the hangar


Take Off


After the flight :)

