
Legacy Member
What is the best comment you heard about building an airplane?

I asked Ron Murray what the most difficult thing about building his -9A was. He repled...

"Whatever the next task is."

How true that has turned out to be.
I was somewhat timid when I started building. Then I saw a quote somewhere that hit home with me.

"The greatest mistake a man can make is being afraid to make one."

Sometimes you just gotta commit to drilling :D

-Dave Taylor
Emp Rudder
Warner Robins, GA
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My favorite quote that made me jump in and build an airplane, despite all the reasons not to is:

Sometimes in life you just have to say, "screw it...I'm doing this!"

My all-time favorite that hung in my garage for 5 years while building;

"Perseverance, more important than building skill, is required to build this plane." ;) Rosie
I don't know if this is true, it is hearsay, but it sure gives some confidence...

Apparently Van got upset how finicky people can get with building his airplanes, paying to much attention to unnecessary detail and loosing sight of the big picture. He knew it was going to be put together by homebuilders so he over engineered it...

Apparently his response to one of those fastidious questions was:
"It's a truck...just build it and fly it!"

I hope it's true since it give me a warm and fussy feeling...:p

I have heard his staff also say "It's just an airplane folks!"

And my one of my favorites has to be "You eat a whale one bite at a time."

But to keep myself in check when I get discouraged I came up with this: "If it was easy, everybody would be doing it." (Old RV-6A kit-you know.)

And yes, I put up the word "Perseverance" on my wall one time thanks to you Rosie.
Another quote

A quote I claim, that helps me a lot, is "If it's hard, you're probably doing it wrong".
Got this one from somebody at Van's, maybe Tom Green...

"You're building a tractor, not a pipe organ!"

I think I read this one on this site. So no plagiarism intended.

"You?re only going to Albuquerque, not Mars"

[ed. Actually, it's 'Denver' and the guy who said it is Jay Pratt of www.RVCentral.us Great quote! dr]
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I recently heard a quote from my former CFI to a prospective student about when to start flying lessons:

"Don't wait for the light to turn green because it never will."

I apply this to major decisions such as arranging financing and ordering the expensive stuff for my RV9.
Bruce Sacks
painting and waiting on the O-320
Show Plane or One to Fly???

I like the one my tech counselor, Mark Spry (RV-4 builder), said,

"Early on, you need to decide whether you're building a show plane or a plane to fly."

Don Hull
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A good friend also told me (about ten years ago), "I started building a Space Shuttle and I ended up building an airplane."
I don't necessarily agree with this one, but a local Rocket builder once told me.

"Do your best, bondo the rest".

Of course, I doubt his airplane has much bondo on it and it is a beaut. I think it was just his way of making me feel better about a few little dings I had from my less than perfect riveting skills.
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Not exactly a quote but definitely related. One of our EAA members was 67 and had thought about building a plane. He said to one of our other members "you know I am 67 years old. Do you know how old I will be when I'll be able to fly this plane?". Another member retorted, "Well how old will you be when you fly it if you never start?". He built and flew the plane in 3 years.
These were often spoken in the old days when schedule was more important than quality control. Haven't heard them in a day or so.

Don't get too tense over .0002. (two tenths)

Parts is parts. Ship it.


I received this one while building the wings, but it was pretty early on during building when it was so hard to make a decision and move on. You all can remember I'm sure where you have to measure, re-measure, have your buddy check it, sleep on it, remeasure and then cut. Anyway, somewhere this little bit of advice was given to me in disgust by somebody tired of seeing this lack of confidence disguised as being meticulous.

"Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with a crayon, and then cut it with an axe. But for God sakes, just do it."

Bryan Wood
RV-9A "Flyin the Flag"
Favorite Qoute

When buying I remember that, "The agony of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of cheap price has worn off."

My other favorite when building is, "Perfect is the enemy of good because good is never good enough." :)
As I stated during final inspection:

"Builder Log - What do I need that for? With all the blood and sweat I left in this plane a simple DNA test will tell you who built it."

Rob - RV6 N223RH
1-- "Keep poundin' those rivets."

2-- "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

3-- "How do you know when you're done? When you've covered up your last mistake."

those are mine. :)

and Nike's "just do it"

Write down how much you think it will cost . . . . . . . . then double it . . . . . . . . . then throw the bit of paper in the bin and keep sinking money into it until it is finished!!!!
