
Well Known Member
What is everyone using for their Build log?

I used kitlog pro on my first build but wasn’t overly impressed. Would also like something a bit simpler. I am considering just building a word document and referencing photos in a folder, but wanted to get other opinions as I start on the RV10. Thanks in advance for your opinions and help.
I know I have seen some good ones, just not sure what program it was. Any other good programs?

I know I have seen some good ones, just not sure what program it was. Any other good programs?

Kinda depends on what you want.
Easiest...dates and times jotted down in the margins of the manual. Phone photos.

A bit more comprehensive...Kitlog, VAF & EAA are also pretty simple and you can save more info.

OCD? I keep paper/pen notes every day. Photos of interesting stuff. Once a week or two, notes get transferred to my Excel spreadsheet. I track every minute and every penny. Photos get saved and backed up. Receipts are scanned and backed up. Originals go in a binder. Excel notes and photos get published into Google Blogger. Pages are saved, backed up and printed for a physical log. Sounds like a huge pain but it's actually simple for me. Lots of builders refer to my blog and I use the information and photos to write an occasional article for Kitplanes.
Here's the link.

I'm using Wordpress with two plugins I wrote. One for tracking purchases / expenses. One for tracking time. I'm awaiting delivery so mine probably isn't the best example of Wordpress.
Wordpress can be as advanced as you make it, which has positives and negatives. Blogger is a great quick and easy way to get started. I'd recommend both. I don't have experience with Kit Log or EAA Log.
@wirejock your log is one of my favorites to use for reference. Real easy to find things, and good documentation.
Build log

I used My Kit Log. When I started my project, it seemed like the way to go.

That said, I probably would not use it again. The program has not been updated or improved, in any meaningful way, in at least the last 10 years. It is nice to have it post to the internet, though.

Here are some things about the program:

You are limited to 3 pictures per entry.

There isn't an easy way to create a custom vendor file.

The program does not play well with Epson print drivers. In fact, it will not create the reports to print if the epson driver is installed.

The output reports are not very customizable.

There are more but these are some of the highlights.

I would probably use the EAA build log for my next build, or roll my own...
I used My Kit Log. When I started my project, it seemed like the way to go.

That said, I probably would not use it again. The program has not been updated or improved, in any meaningful way, in at least the last 10 years. It is nice to have it post to the internet, though.

Here are some things about the program:

You are limited to 3 pictures per entry.

There isn't an easy way to create a custom vendor file.

The program does not play well with Epson print drivers. In fact, it will not create the reports to print if the epson driver is installed.

The output reports are not very customizable.

There are more but these are some of the highlights.

I would probably use the EAA build log for my next build, or roll my own...
That’s similar to my experience with My Kitlog as well. Not bad, but I don’t plan on using it again.
I think if you are willing to invest about an hour in learning it, this is an excellent option. And it's priced right for someone that's spending all their money on aircraft parts or avgas.
I use Word document on Window. I don't have any specific format and I amend the build document at the end with the latest task. I created different documents for each of the major assemblies to keep the Word document from growing too large.
What is everyone using for their Build log?

I used kitlog pro on my first build but wasn’t overly impressed. Would also like something a bit simpler. I am considering just building a word document and referencing photos in a folder, but wanted to get other opinions as I start on the RV10. Thanks in advance for your opinions and help.
I threw together a basic Excel sheet for my builders log. Here's a copy for you to try out and modify to your hearts content. I figure I'll tweak it a bit as I get a little farther along. Note that it keeps track of Total HRS and Total Days that are always viewed at the top - as are the Headers always in view. Any and everyone feel free to contribute additions to it - maybe we can get a decent and workable version for everyone else to use. IF you modify it - PLEASE change the version number in the file name so everyone can see if and what the updates are :)
Basic Builder Log

I threw together a basic Excel sheet for my builders log. Here's a copy for you to try out and modify to your hearts content. I figure I'll tweak it a bit as I get a little farther along. Note that it keeps track of Total HRS and Total Days that are always viewed at the top - as are the Headers always in view. Any and everyone feel free to contribute additions to it - maybe we can get a decent and workable version for everyone else to use. IF you modify it - PLEASE change the version number in the file name so everyone can see if and what the updates are :)

Here's another one to play with. Time and Financial tabs for each kit. A full 7(a) inventory. A paint and epoxy calculator. Maybe other stuff I forgot.
I follow the KISS method. I just take pics on my iPhone as I go and save them to a folder titled Vans RV. Then each day I write down the date and a brief synopsis of what I did in a note book. The digital logs are nice, but I found that I was spending too much time updating it and uploading pics. Every minute I spent doing a digital builders log was one less minute I spent building. My .02 cents.
Easy... put it here on VAF. There's a handy section for it in the red ellipse.

Build Log Location.jpg

And looky there, that's my log as the most recent.

VAF and blogspot

I started with blogspot before one could post pics on VAF, but now most of my posts are here on VAF.

Just be careful what you post, it is here for eternity.
Check out
The picture quality is awesome. Unlimited storage. No ads, paid by your EAA membership fees.
The guy at EAA that runs it is very responsive. In the beginning, I didn't like the picture quality and he fixed it in no time.
San Diego
Like JohnS

I tried kitlog and EAA sites but found it hard to put photos and comments together quickly. I migrated to My Build section on VAF which has been a breeze. Just quick photo from phone, upload (after quick edit so it comes out upright), and a few comments. Easy, and others benefit from your first timer mistakes.

I keep data on a spreadsheet. Photos and any other data get backed up. My actual log is on Blogspot. Link below. I've done it so long it only takes a few minutes to update. I recommend anyone using an electronic anything is to back it up. More than one place is best. I also print double sided color for the physical log.

I use a cheap app ($8 I think) called Diarium on my computer. It's meant to be a tool for keeping a journal, but works great for a build log - just pick the day on the calendar and type away. You can add as many tags to each post as you want to help future searches, and can also add photos. It's very easy to search on tags and see them in chronological order, and you can export out individual sections or the full log if you want to dump it into a word document at some point. You can also sync it online, so I have it on multiple computers and regardless which one I update, I can click a button when setting down to the other computer and have it sync up.

I also use as an online tool to keep my dad up to speed on the build, but that's just a copy/paste of what I use for myself.

Attached pics


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I tried kitlog and EAA sites but found it hard to put photos and comments together quickly. I migrated to My Build section on VAF which has been a breeze. Just quick photo from phone, upload (after quick edit so it comes out upright), and a few comments. Easy, and others benefit from your first timer mistakes.

Seems though unstructured, meaning it doesn't group entries in empennage, wing etc. so you end up with dozens of pages without index.