
Well Known Member
Recently bought an RV8A coming from the certified world. It’s got the original VFR panel in it from back in 03. Looking to possibly update it. What would you all say is the best bang for your buck?
Used avionics

I might be biased, but I think you would do well watching the forum and getting a used EFIS from someone that is upgrading etc. However, if you want “factory new”, I’m a fan of Advanced Flight Systems. I really like and own their EFIS in both a 5600 and 5500. It plays well with other and is very straightforward install.
I’m a certified to experimental convert. I have 2 x GRT Sport EXs and a remote EIS. I’m happy with the system and support I’ve received. I haven’t flown it yet but it all powers up and looks great. Plays well with other systems too, Garmin GPS, SL30/40, VAL avionics, etc.
What's your priority?

If price point is your primary consideration, first define a number. How much are you willing to spend?

From there I believe there are three ways of accomplishing your monetary goal.

1. Patiently wait for one generation old used avionics to come up for sale on this forum. Eventually you put together an entire system at a significantly reduced price.

2. I used MGL in my RV4. I think that if you want new stuff, they might be the best bang for the buck. I had their Extreme EFIS and V6 radio and never had a problem.

3. Self install. You can save a ton. When I redid the entire panel on my RV8, I went with AFS. Their Advanced Control Module (ACM) allowed me to do everything without extensive knowledge. A lot of components are just plug and play.

Good luck
Recently bought an RV8A coming from the certified world. It’s got the original VFR panel in it from back in 03. Looking to possibly update it. What would you all say is the best bang for your buck?

The original Dynon Skyview ("classic"), if you can find a used one. Free charts for life.
Caution: Everyone (me too) loves the choices they made. Only you can decide what’s right for you and your budget. Fortunately it’s hard to make a bad choice. For the record, I thought GRT was best bang for the buck.
And yes, buying one-generation-old can save money. Self-installing can save money.
I would say the best bang for your buck is to put in "just" the equipment you need for the type of flying you are going to do. It's easy to want more, and spend more, whichever the brand! ;)
I would say the best bang for your buck is to put in "just" the equipment you need for the type of flying you are going to do. It's easy to want more, and spend more, whichever the brand! ;)
Exactly, you need to define your mission for the aircraft, and that will help guide you on the features needed.

VFR only?
My panel is used, bought on VAF and wired by me. Saved a LOT of money and was fun, mostly, to put together. I’m a VFR pilot but if I was to be in IMC on IFR, I would want the best instruments available within reason.
Caution: Everyone (me too) loves the choices they made. Only you can decide what’s right for you and your budget. Fortunately it’s hard to make a bad choice. For the record, I thought GRT was best bang for the buck.
And yes, buying one-generation-old can save money. Self-installing can save money.
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ My recommendation is to define your mission first. THEN buy/equip your panel appropriately. As BobTurner posted; "Only you can decide what’s right for you and your budget."

FWIW, I went full DYNON Skyview and absolutely love it! For me it was the best decision.


Completed Panel 2021.jpg
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Considering that an airplane is an investment/asset, I look at it from the perspective of value added.
The demand is high for nice IFR equipped RV's if some day you decide to sell which we all will eventually.

So if you load your aircraft up with budget avionics the value of your craft won't reflect the $$ spent.

Load it up with an IFR Garmin panel and the value goes up significantly.

Airplane value on avg. = 1/3 airframe, 1/3 eng/prop, 1/3 avionics.

So IMO, load it up to the max, enjoy the ride while you own it, enjoy the high price when you go to sell it.
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Best bang for the buck? What kind of bang are you looking for?

* What's your mission?
* Most people will tell you that what they've got is the best. This opinion really means that they like the selection process they went through, they like having mastered the system, they like the flights they've made with the system. Very few comments will be objective, and very few comments will objectively compare one brand with another. Read endorsements carefully.
* Beware of mixing different systems. There can be software incompatibilities and there can be user interface incompatibilities. Those latter can strike you when you're tired and least able to deal with them.
* There are popular systems out there that I would not have in my plane for IFR.
* If your VFR panel is doing what you need it to do, why upgrade?
Only doing this once

I am planning to do my panel only once. So I chose accordingly. But tried to keep it simple. No VPX, but good systems that interfaces with the pilot (G3X, XM radio for the GIB, etc)
Yep - always a hard process as there are many choices, and even more opinions on what to do.

What I recommend:
- Decide now if it will be VFR only or IFR. There is no such thing as “light IFR”.
- Assuming IFR, design your panel. Get a blank panel from Van’s, cut out the components from full scale printouts, then move them around like paper dolls. Much easier and faster than doing CAD stuff.
- Now divide that panel into “now” and “some day”. The now will be a nice VFR glass with full ADS-B in and out, two axis autopilot and such - everything you need.

In other words, don’t spend a penny on anything unless it supports your end state panel. Here is where EFIS integration shines. For example a very nice VFR panel that would support full IFR later would be:
- One SkyView 10” EFIS. This would included the SkyView 2020 GPS receiver/antenna that makes you ADS-B out compliant using the SkyView integrated XPDR (for $2130 this XPDR is a steal).
- One Dynon COMM radio.
- If your end state calls for a full featured audio panel, look at the PS Engineering. PDA-360EX.
- Both roll and pitch AutoPilot. The integrated SkyView system cost $1650 for the servos and mounting kits.
- The integrated SkyView ADS-B in receiver.
- For this intern panel consider installing your current Airspeed and Altimeter instruments for backup. This may require a new piece of panel aluminum to get to the end state, but for ~$30, some time cutting holes and paint this is a cheap option.

From this VFR install, incremental adds to a first class IFR install is now straight forward - just add money, cut some more holes and a weekend (or so) of wiring. The hardest and most frustration thing will be to, at some point, bite the bullet and buy an overpriced TSO GPS IFR navigator.

PM me if you like on how to make this approach as easy as possible - as there are things to do now to help you later.

Mission? To have an awesome panel with minimal investment 😂.

I ended up getting the plane for a pretty screaming deal. It’s got the bare minimum original panel. Not sure if I’m going to keep it long term etc. mainly VFR but wouldn’t be upset to get it up to IFR snuff just to keep things easy for cross countries. Have experience with Garmin, Honeywell’s commercial side of things, Apex, G3000/1000/600/500/TXI, And GRT. Only thing I haven’t flown behind at this point is the dynon stuff. I’m open to anything really.

Everyone thinks their panel is the best, I get that. Im perfectly fine flying behind a 6 pack or a full glass suite. Just looking to spruce it up a bit. The attitude indicator is starting to fail from all the aerobatics and such.