
Well Known Member
There have been a few discussions in the past talking about Android tablets for use as Electronic Flight Bags. The last one that had then-current references for Android devices was back in 2014 - many others since then have simply been Android vs iOS sorts of debates.

I'm looking to replace an aging Nexus 7 tablet - it just can't run fast enough to be useful anymore. Ideally I'm looking for a 7" or 8" device, and preferably with expandable memory (microSD or similar) to prevent the premature demise of the tablet through lack of storage space, as has been the case with my Nexus 7.

What's out there now that runs Android EFB apps like FltPlanGO well, runs well in the airplane, has a decent internal GPS, as well as reasonable battery life and a display that's bright enough for cockpit use? Are there any of the less expensive units that are worth buying?

The intent is this device would be used almost exclusively as an EFB, but may also double as the music source in our airplane for my wife's use as I don't listen to music while flying.

(Searching through sites like BestBuy leave my head spinning - with about 40 different flavors of Samsung Galaxy tablets, so I would ask that you be very specific in describing the model to which you are referring, please.)

Thanks in advance for your well-considered replies.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. I have the 8" version. Sunlight readable, great perdormance, plenty of storage and a micro SD slot of course. The only down side I have found is if you break the screen... $$$.

Oh, and apparently Apple iPad Mini gen 1-3 mounts will work with it too, just found that out recently.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. I have the 8" version. Sunlight readable, great perdormance, plenty of storage and a micro SD slot of course. The only down side I have found is if you break the screen... $$$.

Oh, and apparently Apple iPad Mini gen 1-3 mounts will work with it too, just found that out recently.
+1 for the 8" Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. IMHO the perfect size for viewing approach plates with "old eyes". And I can confirm the RAM iPad Gen 1 Mini mount works.


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Thanks for the recommendations on the S2, gents.

Are any of the less expensive Android tablets worth looking into? I've read Pete's write-up on the Kindle - I'm likely looking for something with a little better display legibility (old eyes!).
Another vote for the Galaxy Tab S2 8" here, I love mine. Now, that being said:

I got a chance recently to play with my sister-in-law's new Galaxy Tab S3 10". If I were buying one today, I would seriously consider it. I didn't look at it before buying the S2 8" because I didn't want a huge tablet in the cockpit. As it turns out, the S3 10" isn't that much larger overall, they have really shrunk the bezels around the edge to keep it compact and yet give you a large readable screen.

When considering these, keep in mind that while they aren't the cheapest tablets on the market, you're saving a lot by not paying $250/year for ForeFlight. And with the powerful processor and expandable storage, you'll be future-proofed for a longer time as well.
I bought my kids Kindle Fires and have put a few different aviation apps a on them. I felt they were too slow and too buggy for reliable use. I'm planning to buy an S2 because the PIREPs have been so good.
Thanks for the additional feedback. I'll take a look at the 9.7" S-3 vs 8" S2 form factor. Wow, there's a rather big price jump between the two, putting the S3 into iPad pricing territory.
The S3 is a fair bit more expensive but the S2 has been out since 2015 so it's old in computer years. My use will be like yours: dedicated to the plane with occasional entertainment use for my wife. I can't justify the cost of the S3 when the S2 has plenty of horsepower to do the same job. There's another Samsung Tab I was considering that was less expensive but had good pireps, I'll see if I can't remember what it is.
There is some difference in memory that you may want to investigate. I have the Samsung Galaxy S and found it was awkward for me to use the SD card. I can't seem to get to programs to use the SD readily, but that is probably my incompetence, not the machine's fault. I'm about maxed out on the 16mb. The S2 has 32mb so that would be better. The S3 can have 128mb.
I've used Avare and WingX on mine and they seem to get along well, but I haven' t used either in quite a while so don't want to endorse them based on extensive current knowledge, since I can't claim a lot or recent use.
Hey Mark

I use an older Samsung Tab A 8" with FltPlanGo. Certainly not leading edge tech, but it works great in my RV-8. I have it on a swivel mount on the lower part of the panel and just run a micro USB to it. Even where it is located I get a good GPS signal and there doesn't appear to be any lag whatsoever.

If you want to experiment with it in the Davis one of these days, lemme know and we'll meet up and you can try it.
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Thanks for the additional feedback. I'll take a look at the 9.7" S-3 vs 8" S2 form factor. Wow, there's a rather big price jump between the two, putting the S3 into iPad pricing territory.
True, but again if you run FltPlanGo you're offsetting as much as $250/year that you're not paying for ForeFlight. And you're not locked into Apple's walled garden.

The S2 9.7" is still available as well, but is (as someone else pointed out) a couple of years old technology-wise. Still should be powerful enough, but less future-proof.

I have a 32GB S2 8", and a 128GB card for it. FltPlanGo resides on the main memory, but all the maps are on the card. I use the tablet for a lot of other things as well, and yet i'm still only half-full on the main memory, and i've hardly made a dent in the card yet. If you're just using it for flying-related stuff, i'd say the 32GB version is plenty.