Charles C

Well Known Member
I am using WingX Pro with my IPad and was wondering what people are using for their ADS-B receiver. I contacted ForFlight to see if the Stratus II would work with both knowing the answer that it wouldn't but I thought I would try. I was hoping it would so if in the future I wanted to switch to ForFlight then I could use the one reciever. So any input would be good on what you are using. Thanks.

Works like a champ using wifi..

Ove been using it with WingX for several years. Never a glitch.

It works great with my GRT HXr also..
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+1 for Skyradar. I have the D2 model, remote mounted with the antennas glued onto the fiberglass door posts (RV-10). (SMA connectors and coax from Amazon). Picks up lots of ground stations and in-flight aircraft; USB feed to GRT HX and WiFi to iPad running WingX or Skyradar's software. I got one factory refurbished for $500.
Now I just have to ante up the $$ to get ADSB-out so I can filter out "own ship" ghosts.
Or was that "WingX"?

Works like a champ using wifi..

Ove been using it with Foreflight foe several years. Never a glitch.

It works great with my GRT HXr also..


I **think** you meant ...
"... been using it with *WingX* ...."

"Best" is relative ...

I am using WingX Pro with my IPad and was wondering what people are using for their ADS-B receiver. I contacted ForFlight to see if the Stratus II would work with both knowing the answer that it wouldn't but I thought I would try. I was hoping it would so if in the future I wanted to switch to ForFlight then I could use the one reciever. So any input would be good on what you are using. Thanks.

What's most important to you??

- Sensitivity?
- Price?
- Portability?
- Functionality?

There are several good ones out there.
Have tested several.

Currently using ...
SkyRadar in the 6 (the first one I got working with GRT EFIS as well)
iLevil 2 AW in the 8
DUAL 170 for portability
My only experince is with skyradar which works great both with GRT and WingX. In fact that was my primary reason to move from Foreflight to WingX which proved to be a good move as I believe WingX has more capbabilities than foreflight.
I am using SkyguardTWX transceiver

Works great with WingX, and iFly ---- Skyguard TWX has in and out 978 and 1090. Their newest model even mines your transponder code so you don't have to enter in manually.
NavWorx just started shipping an inexpensive in/out unit. I have their original ads600b unit. It works great with AFS and WingX.
best all around good one.

What's most important to you??

- Sensitivity?
- Price?
- Portability?
- Functionality?

I am looking for the best all around one. With WingX there are so many options and not sure which is the best. I was looking at the Clarity but it is a bit pricey at around $1200. I would like to have the Portability to take it to different planes when I am flying with friends and then mine.

I wouldn't have thought about skyrader but seems alot of perople are using it. I have looked a Levi too.

But like I said, there are so many out ther that is cabtible with WingX that was not sure which would work best and wanted to see what others were using.
If I was buying today, I'd get Navworx's experimental model. They claim legal in and out performance, so no need to spend $$ today for in, then replace it later with in/out... Just buy the whole package today.

Last time I looked, the entire setup for me would have run ~$1,300.
I am looking for the best all around one. With WingX there are so many options and not sure which is the best. I was looking at the Clarity but it is a bit pricey at around $1200. I would like to have the Portability to take it to different planes when I am flying with friends and then mine.

I wouldn't have thought about skyrader but seems alot of perople are using it. I have looked a Levi too.

But like I said, there are so many out ther that is cabtible with WingX that was not sure which would work best and wanted to see what others were using.

Really not being picky here but really, "best all around" is in the eye of the beholder.

As mentioned elsewhere, I have tested a lot of these.

For sensitivity, it is probably between SkyRadar and iLevil 2 AW. THe older iLevil seemed to be not quite as sensitive as the SkyRadar and the new one is supposed to be more sensitive than the SkyRadar (I am testing and don't have the conclusive data yet.)

For portability, you have Clarity, DUAL, FDS and iLevil SW. The DUAL is smallest and does Bluetooth. The FDS *might* be lowest cost. The iLevil costs more but has more features, some of which might be worth a lot to some.

For price, at one time it was the FDS. Haven't checked recently.

Initially the Clarity, with some really cool features seemed to the hot ticket. Unfortunately, it was a bit too hot in the beginning so that had to do some fixing of that. Probably a NON-ISSUE by now (with the "tent" etc.). But it is really small with some really cool features. (For me, unfortunately though, since the did NOT make their data available vi the USB port, (I asked the for it just like I asked the others) it was not a player for what I was doing. (Nor the GDL 39. Nor the Stratus for same reasons.)

They ALL work.

If I read you right, lowest cost, smallest portability, works with WingX, the DUAL unit is probably closest to your spec.
I am using WingX Pro with my IPad and was wondering what people are using for their ADS-B receiver. I contacted ForFlight to see if the Stratus II would work with both knowing the answer that it wouldn't but I thought I would try. I was hoping it would so if in the future I wanted to switch to ForFlight then I could use the one reciever. So any input would be good on what you are using. Thanks.

While at SNF last month my partner attended a class on "Advanced I-Pad" use. He was amazed to find out that 90% of the folks attending the class used ForeFlight. We use WingX with the original Sky Radar and a very happy with it. Our desire was to add "syn vision". After much research he decided for us to go with the "I-Levil II SW". We will continue to use our WingX but, if we ever decided to change, it would also power ForeFlight. We have just started to fire it up so I can't tell you yet how we like it but, so far, so good..... I have Sky Radar hard wired in and have no plans to remove it "yet".... so for now we can hook-up to either...
We will continue to use our WingX but, if we ever decided to change, it would also power ForeFlight

That is very interesting that you can also use it with ForFlight. That makes me want to lean that way, due to if I ever have to/want to change I can use it for both and not have to buy another one to use with ForFlight. Thanks so much, Levil is located here in Central Florida so I might get in touch with them and see.

That is very interesting that you can also use it with ForFlight. That makes me want to lean that way, due to if I ever have to/want to change I can use it for both and not have to buy another one to use with ForFlight. Thanks so much, Levil is located here in Central Florida so I might get in touch with them and see.

If you call there, ask for Ananda. She is who I have worked with the most.
The SW is the most feature packed portable in my view.

She is the General Manager, key software designer/developer.
Her dad is also the founder of the company (it does a bunch of other stuff too)

You might want to double check **exactly** what it means when the receivers say that there is current or future support for Foreflight. I am not **sure** but I seem to recall being told that it would not be for all the features that a Stratus provides. So if that is important to you, "look before leap".

my choice

I installed Pathfinder remote in both RVs because it works well with the GRT EFIS and Wing X on an iPad. They have worked very well for me.
That is very interesting that you can also use it with ForFlight. That makes me want to lean that way, due to if I ever have to/want to change I can use it for both and not have to buy another one to use with ForFlight. Thanks so much, Levil is located here in Central Florida so I might get in touch with them and see.

Yes but neutered - apparently it uses FF Flight sim mod ( or whatever) to do it but no weather info is passed - so its a somewhat neutered hookup


So hardly a reason to defect to FF from WingX
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Actually on the list for one of the 600EXP. waiting on it to ship. Let you know when it arrives

I talked to Navworx today. Still a slight delay in shipping. I'm #74.
The price did just go up from $869 to $1049.
Still lower than anyone else for ads-b in/out.