
Well Known Member
Sorry if this horse has been beaten to death but trying to decide on Beringer mains and brakes vs.my Cleveland's

Seems like some think tubes are a plus others are firmly in the tubeless camp, but wanted to see what people that have Beringers or Grove tubeless think.

Also- on the brakes. A friend/builder with a few RV's under his belt and who and is A&P/AI thinks I should stay with the Cleveland's if for nothing else if you get stuck somewhere if I ever have a brake issue. He does have a point that Cleveland parts are pretty easy to get anywhere. I guess I could toss a spare o-ring or three in my spares kit.

I did full Beringer brakes, wheels, tubeless tires. The Beringer full kit comes with very high quality Michelin tires. I can't remember the last time I saw a car with tubes in tires - as I understand it tubes fail more frequently than tires do when it comes to flats. Very happy with the brakes - they are smooth and work very well.
Seems like most tubes fail at the valve stem, usually due to underinflation combined with heavy braking.
I have a Berlinger tubeless on my -10?s front wheel. It is a great wheel but I have a nightmare about having a flat in the boondocks and a FBO who has never seen a tire without a tube.
The only flat I have had was dur to tube failure at the valve stem. Tubeless seems the way to go. Also minimizes seepage.