Well Known Member
For those of you that have gone before. . .

Cutting lines today. Looks to me as if the line lengths called out in the plans should work fine. Where it gets a little curious is the junction through the parking brake. I mounted my parking brake valve above the center support. I was guesstimating that the length from the left pedals to the valve and then on to the drag braces would be about the same.

Has anyone else done it this way and do you have any direction on length from the left pedals to the parking brake in this configuration?

Since you have the Beringer bulk hose and reusable fittings, put the 2 fittings on the accessories, and route the hose the way you want it. Mark with a sharpie, Cut, and assemble. Since Beringer is an aftermarket package, there is no set way of doing the lines. Yep---most builders put the PB Valve forward on the F14104 bracket.

Thanks Tom. I had all of the poly line that came with the kit. I didn't know I was going Beringer and didn't bother to return the line. I just used the poly line to mock up the system. Starting slightly longer then cutting to a fit I was happy with. Hopefully, less visitors tomorrow and offers to go flying. Maybe I'll get the job done tomorrow.:eek: