
Active Member
I've ordered the finishing kit for my 14A and thanks to the good folks who have posted a heads-up about the issues with the nose wheel provided in the kit, I deleted the U-1009 axle and NW501.25 nose wheel with the intent of replacing them with the NW511.25 nose wheel and Matco WHLAXLE24 axle.

However, I'm also interested in the Beringer nose wheel. Does anyone know if the one Van's sells for the -10 would work for the -14A too?

Assuming this Beringer nose wheel would work on the -14A, would the Matco axle work with it?
Cody---the Beringer Nose gear kit is the same for the 10 and the 14A, by the part number. But I would definitely check with Carla about the axle.
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