Kenny Gene

Well Known Member
My 7a tire is flat again (probably from the stickers at Weatherford) however I'm thinking of going with the Beringer tubless rim. I think the abrasion from the lower tire pressures wear out the tubes. Anyway, does anyone know, will the Beringer rim support the Grove nose wheel assembly with axle support tube?


Kenny Gene
RV 7a 294TC 585 hrs
RV 10 484TC Finishing
The Beringer wheel is a complete replacement, with it's own axle. You keep the fork, nut and bolt.

Does the Beringer have a roll pin to keep the axle from spinning and also beefed up same as the Grove?


Kenny Gene
294TC RV 7a 585 hrs
484TC RV10 finishing
Check out the "review" I did here:

The beringer axle is a solid one piece axle that is captured between the forks, tighten down the axle bolt and no way the axle is going to spin so you really don't need the roll pins. IMO you didn't need the roll pins on the Grove either as it was also locked in tight by the forks and fully torqued bolt. The only one that really needed roll pins was the original matco because you left the bolt loose to adjust bearing preload.
The Beringer does not need the roll pin. Everything said above is true. It is a really great upgrade.
