
Well Known Member
The Benton, Kansas airport is one of those places that perfectly exemplifies the "aviation community". Once a month they host a pancake feed that rotates between benefiting (and being hosted by) the local Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups. Once a year, though, they put on an all day fly-in that starts with pancakes in the morning and finishes with barbecue in the evening.

Benton truly is one of those affairs where the whole town shows up to sit in their lawn chairs, watch airplanes, and enjoy friends and family. If you ever find yourself needing fuel in the Wichita area, I would highly suggest punching 1K1 into the GPS. It's the kinda place you feel good about supporting. It's what aviation should be.

While not an RV-specific fly-in, it's still always lots of fun. I know that Jim B. had the Wichita RVators out there this morning for the regular monthly meeting, so at least the event had some representation from the RVers. The full photo album can be seen here: http://picasaweb.google.com/sitesfamily/BentonPancakeFeed?authkey=nBEiXX0et1U. A couple of highlights below.

Quick bit of trivia about Benton: It was the filming location for John Frankenheimer's movie "The Gypsy Moths", which starred Burt Lancaster and Gene Hackman.

Paul, You might recognize this guy. He's the leader of the Benton Scout troop now.

Proof there was some RV activity

The infamous Benton porch, where people have been known to sit and hold up score cards to grade landings

Not sure what it is, but I know it's beautiful

A little more RV traffic

Vultee BT-13 (I think)

Someone's having fun!
"Not sure what it is, but I know it's beautiful"


Thanks for the great pictures. I wish I didn't have to work or I would have flown over in my newly painted RV7a, 294TC, but that's life!

The beautiful red plane is a 1941 Super Ryan, based in Wellington, KS. The airplane was designed as a military trainer, but has been modified with a 220 HP radial (2x the originial HP) and so went the 2nd seat for extra full. The owner Rick is a great guy. His hanger is only 2 doors down from mine.

Kent Wilkens
294TC 7A
AWC 9-5-07 (192 hobbs hrs)