
I'm trying to improve the ergonomics of the 8 stick, and have searched several threads. It seems like there are many versions of a very modest offset, achieved through either bends or welding. My perception is that this is insufficient for the improvements I'm looking for.

I was able to find other builders who tried a more radical solution to offset the stick rearward enough that panel clearance was not a concern, allowing an increase in height. I think this is a perfect solution ergonomically, but after many attempts to mock up such an offset, I can't get it to clear the panel. The fore-aft travel is simply too much to both land in a reasonable position at full aft, and avoid the panel at full forward. I have a thin build, so there is no stomach in the way - it just can't be done on my airplane for some reason.

These posts were the inspiration for trying combinations of height, offset, and angle:

Yesterday, I used some hardware store brackets to mock up the stick, trying every permutation of height, offset, and angle I thought might work. All of them either run into my body at full aft, or run into the panel at full forward. I'm starting to wonder if it's an issue of rigging, and my elevator has more travel than it strictly needs. It's frustrating enough that I would consider adjusting the bottom of the lever distance (probably spoiling the "control harmony" in the process) to see if I can eliminate an inch or so of travel at the top of the stick.

Does anyone have advice for how to achieve a taller, more aft stick? The panel interference requiring a short stick is a straightjacket so far. Is my seat cushion too tall? Is the range of elevator travel excessive?

The picture shows the Vans stick weldment cut to the maximum height allowable to clear the panel - it is very short, even with a simple wood grip. The offset and height shown with my bracket mockup is about what I would want - probably an inch shorter with a little more forward angle of the grip:


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