
Active Member

While fitting up my wing tips, I have noticed a problem with the outboard aileron bracket. It is bent inboard at the tip by about 1/8" to 3/16". I'm guessing it got warped when it was riveted together. (QB wings)
I have a larger aileron to wingtip gap on the right wing than I do on the left. The aileron itself is positioned further inboard on the right wing than the left.
Since my bottom skins are already riveted on, I think it would be impractical to replace the bracket. I'm planning on trying to bend the bracket unless someone has a better idea. Thanks.
I'd send that picture to Van's and ask. Mine are not curved quite that much, but they do have a little bit of a curve to them. For now I've just left them as-is.

I did e-mail Vans about it but I won't hear from them till Monday. I will post the reply here.
When I recieved my wings I noticed the curvature, but I didn't think it would be a problem. Turns out it does affect the lateral positioning of the aileron. I tried adjusting it using washers, but if I take out one on the inboard side of the bracket, the tip of it will rub against the bracket on the aileron.
I think bending it is the best way to go, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Correcting bent aileron bracket

The middle piece of the aileron bracket is a stamped piece that comes bent. In the building instructions, you have to straighten them out before the bracket is riveted together. It appears the maker of your bracket skipped this step hence the bent aileron bracket. I would drill out the rivets that hold that middle piece in, bend it straight and then rivet it back in. I would not try to bend it assembled.
Todd Swezey
I just dealt with a similar issue, my one aileron bracket was bent about 1/8 inch, I applied some pressure and got maybe 1/16" back and then used 1 thick washer on the right side instead of the thin washer called for. I satisfied now.
I had the opportunity to speak with Scott McDaniels at Copperstate this weekend. I didn't realize who he was at first. I asked him if he had any technical knowledge about the -10 and he replied "Some..." ;)
Anyway, he told me that the thick aluminum gets bent during the punching process and should be bent before assembly. He suggested clamping wood on both sides and bending. I tried it when I got home and as the pictures show, it worked very well. After re-attatching the ailerons, I have maybe 1/32" variance between the left one and the right one. I think I can get them completely even using washers.
Thanks for the replies. I hope this thread save somebody som headscratching down the road.


PS Cory Bird was there with his plane, "Symmetry." One of the finest homebuilt aircraft ever.
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