
Well Known Member
Does anyone know where I can find a V Band clamp that will allow me to connect the aluminum intake pipes from my turbocharger to the intake of the Bendix RSA-10ED1?

I cannot seem to figure out how to post a picture...if I could you would see a Bendix RSA-10ED1 and it is a throttle body that does not have the four bolt flange on the inlet of the throttle body...instead it has an opening that has a lip around the inlet opening of the Bendix.

I tried to use simple silicone coupler with a T bolt clamp however there is not a great deal of space to accommodate the width of the T bolt clamp and it does not look safe...It seems that this is designed for a V Band clamp.

The OD of the lip on the opening is 3 15/16 so I was thinking of buying a 4 inch V Band clamp however if someone can turn me onto the correct part number/ source of what they use I would be more happy.

I think those are called Marman clamps.

Marman is to V-band clamps as Velcro is to hook-and-loop and Saran is to clingy plastic wrap.

Marman was I think the original manufacturer of that type of clamp. And now part of Eaton.
every certified installation, I ever saw, used a flat clamp on the servo side of the bead when using that servo. If you check the piper Cherokee six parts manuals for the 300 hp version, you can see what they used.
Good Luck,