
Well Known Member
Bending the W-1201C Wing Walk Doubler leading edge.
I clamped an old wood 2x4 to the work bench and drew a line about 3/8 of an inch parallel with the edge. I rounded off the 2x4 edge with a plane and file. I laid the W-1201C on the 2x4 and match drilled along the pencil line through the bottom/forward dimpled holes, then fastened the W-1201C to the 2x4 with small wood screws. I pressed down on the W-1201C with the heels of my hands until I could just start to see a slight crease in the aluminum. The W-1201C fit perfectly onto the wing with little force required.
I thought about using a metal pipe instead of a 2x4 but that would require countersinking the holes and I did not want to go to that much trouble.
bending with the stainless steel balance tubes

I found an easy way to bend the edge by leaving the plastic on and taking the two stainelss balance tubes still taped together and making a roll machine out them. I placed the taped together tubes on the work bench and then inserted the edge between the two tubes just enough to hold. I then turned the tubes and the wing walk doubler over and carefully started to roll the tubes back onto the doubler. This created a nice tight curve on the leading edge and you only need to do it just enough to make the fit a little tight over the wing root leading edge. Be careful and go slow. It does not take much. Mine came out with a snug smooth fit. Good luck