Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
I have a very short wife who is also a pilot. We have (she has) an issue reaching the copilot rudder pedals, which are set for my leg distance, without the stick coming uncomfortably close. Has anyone out there bent or otherwise modified the copilot stick? I am thinking of trying to effectively move the top part of the stick about 2 inches forward. Obviously this would also require some sort of locking mechanism so it doesn't rotate, but that is an easy fix.

Any information welcome.


Are you thinking of bending it forward (say 20 deg) where it comes out of the mounting bracket, then bending the top back the same angle, to have the top of the stick parallell to the bracket hole again? (Kind of a modified "Z"?)

I'll be back in town next week and can help ya play with it, depending on what the brain trust says about the pros and cons of stick-bending.

Two thoughts: 1. If you're going to use those stick grips I gave you, don't forget they slide on over the sticks pretty far, so try them out first to figure the bend location and stick cut-off point before you cut and bend those full-length sticks you currently have installed, so you don't cut too much. 2. On the other side of the coin, consider panel clearance prior to cutting and bending, as you wouldn't want to have the bent-forward co-pilot stick too long and contacting the panel either, IMHO.

Will be interesting to hear if anyone feels that bending the stick will compromise strength (for breaking out of an AP freeze or hard-over, etc.).

See you next week.

I'm thinking of the modified "Z" kind of bend, so it still feels and acts like a "normal" stick. The bend would be low on the stick, with plenty of upper part left for cutting off as necessary. However, I am open to any other options that might come up. The main thing is that, as currently installed, it is not comfortable for Julia to work both the stick and rudders because of her relatively short legs.
