
Well Known Member
Tomorrow may be the day that I perform the dreaded task of bending the main longerons. Any particular tips, suggestions or warnings?
It's not as difficult as it looks. Just take it a little at a time.
Like many building tasks, the most difficult part is just getting started.

I though Van's method works pretty good.

One thing that helped me was to make lines every inch along the bend and then number the marks. As I fine tuned my bends it was easy to note where I needed to make changes and then position it in my vice.

The curve shown on the drawing will get you close, but isn't real accurate. Instead use the canopy deck parts to check your bends.
Not difficult at all on the 8. The upper mains took 25 minutes for the two of them. The forward lowers, that you have to beat to death to spread the angle, took a bit longer :)
Get a BIG vice! I was having all kind's of trouble until I went out to my brothers shop and swiped his 8 inch vice. Much easier after that.

Nothing to it!

I agree with the above that it's not a bad job at all. Do use the mating parts to verify the curve. My best advice is to measure carefully when cutting to length. You do NOT want to scrap one of these long extrusions. Good luck!
Our experience was simliar to another RV-9A builder in the area. We both found that the longerons tended to "relax" a bit after bending. He encouraged us to put a bit more bend in than was called for in the plans. I did add a bit and could have added a bit more. Then could be the Wisconsin weather!!
It is actually pretty easy to do and if you screw them up they really aren't that expensive. I miscut mine and I don't think it was more than $30 to get new ones. That was almost four years ago but the price probably has gone up that much.
Don't try to bend it one hit. I think we made four or five passes on each longeron. It will go faster than you think it will.

Best of luck.
Also, don't forget that the canopy deck covers part of the straight section. It can cause some major confusion if you think your finished, and you try to line up the deck at the start of the curve!
I used the method in the George Orndorff fuselage video and it was actually easier than I expected. No big deal, just work a little at a time and keep checking the template.
I agree...

with rv9aviator. I used the Orndorff method and it was really easy. I tried the Van's method first but didn't get much accomplished. Now I'm dreading the canopy :eek: