
Well Known Member
On page 23-09 the plans call for a W-730 Bell Crank Jig to set the neutral position of the Bell Crank. I can't find one in any parts list nor a plan on making one. Did I miss something?

On page 23-09 the plans call for a W-730 Bell Crank Jig to set the neutral position of the Bell Crank. I can't find one in any parts list nor a plan on making one. Did I miss something?

It wasn't in my 7a kit either. Buy two. They are handy to lock both wing/ailerons for storage.
Section 4 shows it in the wing kit

Mine was in the wing kit. That's also where the master inventory in section 4 has it listed. Listed as W-00730 2024-T3 ALCLAD SHEET. Sometimes the leading zeros matter...
No Joy, Mine is a early wing kit and its not on the packing list. I see it in section 4 but not on my packing slip or hardware sheet. Was it listed in a SubKit? In any case I'll get two from Van's I surely don't have one.

Thanks for helping out and securing my sanity.

No Joy, Mine is a early wing kit and its not on the packing list. I see it in section 4 but not on my packing slip or hardware sheet. Was it listed in a SubKit? In any case I'll get two from Van's I surely don't have one.

Same here, I have wing kit #140017 and the aileron jig was not in the kit. I called Vans and figured they'd just drop one in the mail for me, but they said I'd have to buy it. It's a cheap part but silly nonetheless to charge the customer for something that was clearly supposed to be included in the kit from the outset...
The important question - will you prime it? It has to last for the life of the plane because it is the master alignment jig.....
Got one in my kit

I got the part in my QB wing kit, delivered a few weeks ago. Looks like they are now including them in kits.

JDA_BTR, a n00b question for you: Should I expect to use this jig in future regularly or is this an emergency, rebuild-type need? Thanks!


I got the part in my QB wing kit, delivered a few weeks ago. Looks like they are now including them in kits.

JDA_BTR, a n00b question for you: Should I expect to use this jig in future regularly or is this an emergency, rebuild-type need? Thanks!


It's used to set the neutral position of the ailerons during any rigging.

One was included with my (older) RV-8 QB kit. Ordered a second which was handy for the rigging of ailerons. It would be an easy part to miss or mislay!
It was in my kit when I got it 2 years ago. I seem to be on the one kit a year plan. Just ordered the finishing kit and am on the way to Lakeland to get a thunderbolt engine at what seems to me a great price before they change their minds!

That part gets used to set the ailerons and I know I'll want to recheck rigging once I put the wings on and again if they are pulled to paint. I thought I lost it but it was found.

The jig is also used to mark and drill the canopy release mechanism and something else I can't remember using the holes drilled in it.

I'm not priming it. I left the plastic on.
Had two overnighted, which is expensive, but almost ready to move the wing to the hangar. Then I can start on the right wing.