
Well Known Member
My gyro turn coordinator is beginning to slow down and the red flag is having difficulty hiding. I have noticed the Belite turn coordinator and was wondering if anyone has put one of these in their airplane and could give me feedback. It's solely as a backup for my Dynon EFIS (D100) but I do fly IFR and would want a reliable instrument. I have had the Belite g-meter for about 8 years and it's performed flawlessly (I use it for loops) so I have some confidence in their products and the prices are very reasonable.
I have one they sent me for evaluation, one of the first units they produced, and it worked just fine installed on top of the glare shield of a couple of test planes. Does what it is supposed to do.

Jut as an aside, for an IFR backup these days, I’d choose an attitude instrument - easier to fly, the same as what you fly in a nominal case (you don't have to maintain a separate skill set). It’ll cost more, but once you get into instrument flying, bottom-dollar can get you into places you might not want to be....

I bought one for my 9A after my turn coordinator failed. Honestly I?m not happy with it.
1. My biggest disappointment is with the slip skid ball. It?s minimum movement is 1/16? maybe even 3/32. So it makes these jumps that are way too coarse to provide any meaningful slip/skid info (at least for RVs). Maybe this would work ok for some LSAs with horrific adverse yaw, I don?t know, but for my 9 I?ve really got to put my foot into the rudder to get this thing to even move ?one jump?.
The bank indicator is a little better but I?d hate to have try and use it ?partial panel?.
2. My old turn coordinator powered up when the master was switched on. When I replaced it with the Belite I used the same power feed. What I found was that when cranking the voltage would dip and this would upset the boot up routine of the Belite and it would not recover after normal voltage was restored. I had to cycle the master to get it to restart the boot up routine, then it would power up OK. The fix was easy, I switched it to power up from the avionics bus. I talked to Belite and they said they were planning to incorporate a fix for this in a future release.
You might consider the Aerovonics AV-20-S. 2 1/4" EFIS. Great backup attitude indicator with TAS and density altitude. More than twice the price of the Belite but whole different animal. I am aware of a Vans pilot who had his glass cockpit go black on an IFR flight and completed his flight safely to nearest airport with the AV-20-S. I flew with one of the units and the slip ball and AI were fantastic.

As a side note. I've saved a few gyros by opening them up and oiling the bearings with watch oil. If the bearings are just getting dry this will put life back in your gyro. Just be careful.