
Well Known Member
It is that time again - The date has been locked in and already recieving emails from RVrs coming in before the flyin to enjoy Maine.

flyin 18.png

I?ll post more after I get back from Oshkosh.
We plan to be there

My wife and I plan to spend a couple of weeks in Maine this coming September.
It a plan.

Let's hope the weather this year is better than last year. I really am not looking forward to the drive again. I think I will try to stay with a 2 1/2 pounder this year, the big ones are a lot more work. Hope to see you there and at OSH, Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
My wife and I plan to spend a couple of weeks in Maine this coming September.
Shoot me an email so I can help with a few recommendations if needed. Hope to see you at the flyin.

Robert i put an order in for good weather and we can find you that 2.5 or even 3 lb one. Are you going to KOSH. If so call me when you are there - we are taking the RV via land instead of the flying one.
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I'll definitely try to make it again this year. Wont bring a RV but I'll be there admiring everyone else's and dreaming of starting my build.
I am leaving tomorrow for Alaska via Montreal, Ottowa and beyond.

Yes, I will be at KOSH. I am going to catch it on the flip flop.

See you there!

:) CJ
Update on the fly in


I have arranged for lodging and rental cars for those who are coming in early. I will post more for the Yankee Clipper ( logging ) and Enterprise Cars - ask for the Belfast Flying rate.

Also weather depending Thursday or Friday morning we have a short trip north for a private tour of Loring Air Force Base. The base was closed 1991, but with our invite and permission to land we will get a behind the scene tour.

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KLIZ was a United States Air Force installation in northeastern Maine, near Limestone and Caribou in Aroostook County. It was one of the largest bases of the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command during its existence.

The Lobster dinner is still on for Young's Lobster Friday night at 6:30. Youngs will also be taking orders for lobsters to fly out on Sat.

Hoping for good weather, I already received contacts from 10 states with people planning on a fall vacation in Maine around our flyin

See you soon.
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The plane is washed, full of fuel, databases updated and half packed. Hurricane Florence is making it me look real hard at the weather. It still looks doable. Getting there should be easy getting back will require flying west then south. Keeping our figures cross and praying for the weather to allow us to launch Thursday morning with a Saturday afternoon departure to somewhere west, maybe Penn Yan, NY for an overnight.

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On the way back

Bobby, you'd be welcome to spend the a night in KCON if you have to delay because of weather on the return.

My wife is from Scottsville and says anyone from Hop town must be a cool guy if they are a pilot and flying and not a patient. :)

We'll see you in Belfast.

Steve and Evelyn

Sorry we will not be there this year. Yes it is Florence, we started having people from off the coast unpacking their kits at home around us yesterday and it got a lot busy'er today. We are dead in the medal of the projected track once the system come on shore. We have a very good hangar and the 8 will stay in it tell this one passes us by. I hope everyone that can make it up and back will have a good time this year. I have already told David he could have my share of the beer, but I hope he will give Bobby a couple as well. I was hoping for a 2 1/2 pounder this year. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
Not going to happen :-(

Well guys it looks like it's not going to happen this year :-(
I was really hoping that we could make it. Thank you very much for the overnight stay offer Steve and Evelyn.

Bobby, I was going to give you a run for your money. I was going to fly up there from Triple Tree, but wx got in my way. I had planned to hike the NH AT section, then do the fly-in.

Last year, I flew & dropped my 7 in KLCI Labor day weekend & had to fly commercial back home for Hurricane Irma.
I at least was able to have breakfast with David & his crew upon my return.

I hope to make it up there some time. Maybe next year.
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Bobby sorry you can make it in. For everyone that can make it in by Thursday, we will be taking a gaggle of RVs to Loring AFB, I have the letter authorization for our arrival to the closed AFB for a tour on Friday Morning. Then the usual Lobster dinner around 6ish.
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Trying to get there

Yesterday I canceled the hotel, but this morning the odds of making the trip are better. Sandy and I hope to depart Thursday morning. We had planned to stop at the Piper museum along the way. With the current forecast we may just stop for fuel at the halfway point, call the hotel back to see if they still have rooms and carry on toward Belfast. We hope to arrive before dinner time on Thursday.

Plan to be there

Plan to arrive Friday afternoon. Will miss the AFB tour but will be at the Friday night gathering. Gus will be there too.
Hoping for good weather south of here and see everyone that can make it on Friday for Lobster.
Governor what time are you planning to arrive at Limestone and where do you park?

We need to be there between 9:15 and 9:30 -

Unicom 123.00
Left hand pattern 1 is preferred
Land on 1 - 19 permission to land on the X'd rwy
Park in # 2
Back taxi on active and see the photo - note the closed taxiway


Vlad I will add your N# to the document for permission. I will also send you a message.
Limestone also

Hi David, this will be my first visit to the KBST fly-in, I'll be staying with Captain John and arriving with my wife Thursday night around 5 or 6, flying an RV9. I'd like to join you for the Loring fly-in as I was stationed at Pease when Loring was active with the KC-97s supporting B-47s out of Pease. Never got up there so would enjoy the visit. Evelyn is bringing a cake to be shared at some point and loves lobster.

Please add my N43EV to your list. I'm based in KCON.

Thanks, Steve
Hi David, this will be my first visit to the KBST fly-in, I'll be staying with Captain John and arriving with my wife Thursday night around 5 or 6, flying an RV9. I'd like to join you for the Loring fly-in as I was stationed at Pease when Loring was active with the KC-97s supporting B-47s out of Pease. Never got up there so would enjoy the visit. Evelyn is bringing a cake to be shared at some point and loves lobster.

Please add my N43EV to your list. I'm based in KCON.

Thanks, Steve

Steve I will be at the airport 7:00 ish Friday morning
See you and the Captian at KBST
Half way

Hello David,
Sandy and I made it to Rome, NY. We stopped for lunch and we will arrive in Belfast around 5 or 6PM. We have rooms for two nights and plan to take the airforce tour tomorrow with you. Our tail number in N829MS.

Thank you,