
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
For those of you with a technical bent who want to read some good, understandable papers/articles on practical aerodynamics, here is a link to a web site I got from my old friends in the Grumman world. David Rogers was an aero engineering professor that I have only heard of (never met), and this is a collection of his writings. He has some neat things to say about topics like "Is there a step?", and if you should try a turn-around after an engine failure on takeoff. Actually, near the bottom of the page is a paper on that topic that was written by a young midshipman at the Naval Academy many years ago. Brent Jett is now a three-time Shuttle commander, and one of the best sticks I've ever worked with.

Anyway, I'm not going to be responsible for sleepless nights or protracted arguments on any of these topics....enjoy!