Kelli raised her own phone on her own for her own purposes, and not at my request. I didn?t ask her to do that. Her phone video is not in the video.
It?s unfortunate that THAT was your takeaway. We had a blast that day.
Kelli raised her own phone on her own for her own purposes, and not at my request. I didn?t ask her to do that. Her phone video is not in the video.
It?s unfortunate that THAT was your takeaway. We had a blast that day.

my sincere apology

No worries, Steve, we press on.
You should see her iPhone videos going between the two big trees landing and launching from Cedar Mills? grass strip.
I hope you?ve checked out and enjoyed my other videos.
My wife frequently holds her phone up to take videos of takeoffs and landings. She gets lots of enjoyment out of that. I ask her not to publicly post them out of fear of online criticism. I?m glad others share though.

I?ll check out your videos. Thanks for sharing.