Christopher Murphy

Well Known Member
The Renegades are at the Wild West Air Fest this weekend. This is our favorite event and this video hints at the reason.

The editing isn't perfect, but I want to dedicate this video to a young (16) lady that I met at OSH this year. She and her grandfather shared a table with me at lunch time. She was totally smitten with aviation but she has a serious medical condition and will probably never get to learn to fly. I always try to influence kids at the airshows but this young lady left a lasting impression on me instead....

Nice video Chris. I was going to pop in Sunday, but the weather looked sketchy. Steamboat is one of my favorite places to visit in the CO mountains.
wx was iffy sunday


The wx was bad until about 11am or so. They got the show in and we were the last to fly. It started clearing up so we pulled the planes out, then it looked like rain or worse so we pushed them back in just as it started raining small hail ( very common in the mountains ). It ended up being a nice day except east of the ridge.

3 of us got home the rest spent the night in that god awful place.

We all love going there!

Great show!

I was there with the family for the long weekend, but we didn't get up the hill early enough on Saturday to attend (we still have to drive, not fly:mad:).. We did attend on Sunday though, and the show was great once the weather went by. I also enjoyed seeing Dagmar fly her routine and her old hangarmate with the Sukhoi. After the airshow, we went to see the Bull Bash Rodeo. What a blast, and of course, Steamboat is always pretty. I can't wait to turn my family's 3 hour drive, EACH WAY, into a short hop over the rocks in the RV-10!