
Well Known Member
After a lot of rain in the North Texas area lately, it was great to see blue skies and cool air for Sunday?s flying.

Being Mother?s Day, it was pretty quiet on the airwaves as we headed to Stephenville and the Hard Eight for barbecue.

Really quiet, as in no aircraft on the ramp except a lone Phenom 100

No line to speak of and the emptiest I?ve ever seen the restaurant.

No problem, that's more food for us.

The trip home was as smooth and pleasant as the journey down. All in all a great day to fly.

I thoroughly enjoyed the flying and the view of a green Texas landscape plus the familiar landmarks, such as Texas Motor Speedway on the way home to 52F.

These are the days that make rivet pounding worthwhile.

That looks like so much fun

We were unable to get to Hard Eight the last 2 visits to Keller. Looking forward to fixing that the next time.
I really love to see these shots! It spurs me on to get busy and get done! Looking forward to more pictures this summer Chris!
I really love to see these shots! It spurs me on to get busy and get done! Looking forward to more pictures this summer Chris!

Keep at it. You'll have the satisfaction of flying your very own creation and have fun along the way. Very few people can say that.
