Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
I've been thinking about doing this for a while, even asked Danny if he would mind (said it was OK)

The original painting is 18" X 24" acrylic. I apologize for the poor quality photo, but it's the best my little digital will do.

I Beleive......

....That Danny King might soon join me in having a Paul Tuttle original hanging on the wall!:D

Beautiful as usual Paul!
The Two Dolls

Wow Paul........... What a talent you have. I love the picture, and I am flattered that you chose my RV-8 as a worthy subject. Your picture clearly captures the reason I chose Col John D. Landers famous P-51 as the perfect paint theme for my RV-8.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm still tweaking it some as is usually the case with these things.

When I look at the picture I posted I think to myself, I've got to spend some money on a decent camera.
That's a cool print. One of these days if I ever actually finish an airplane we need to arrange a 3-way photo shoot!


I'm going to call mine "Baby Doll".