Nomex Maximus

Well Known Member
Looking out the window here in western Michigan and its a beautiful nearly clear sky with calm winds and about 30 degrees. So much different from our usual 200 foot overcast and drizzle. Gosh, it sure would be great to be flying today but I am here cooking a goose.

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes All.

ditto that in Houston!

Holy cow, what a nice day in S Texas; clear, cool, calm, no humidity. Let's see, I don't have any kids, so no worries about assembling bikes, trampolines or doll houses... I'd better go flying then! And here's one good thing about flying on Christmas day; no traffic! The usual zoo operation at Hooks airport was absolutely quiet. All of the fixed and rotary wing flight schools are closed, plus no corporate or military traffic. Had the whole place to myself it seemed; sweet!

Happy Festivus! Gotta go now, the Airing of Grievances will soon commence.
Yesterday was perfect for flying. I took my parents up on a flight in a Tiger around Tybee Island, GA.
Michigan Day

I agree..... western Michigan (Z98) is perfect today.

It was so beautiful my wife said why don?t you just go up and enjoy the weather. We moved into our new airpark home about a month ago and the weather has been lousy since Thanksgiving. After reading all the posts from other airpark owners we're so happy we finally bit the bullet.

I agree..... western Michigan (Z98) is perfect today.

It was so beautiful my wife said why don?t you just go up and enjoy the weather. We moved into our new airpark home about a month ago and the weather has been lousy since Thanksgiving. After reading all the posts from other airpark owners we're so happy we finally bit the bullet.


I almost bought that house! The one near the entrance to the airpark, with the third level observation deck and the brown shingle siding. But I moved to Shelbyville instead...

That one is still for sale. We had a house built on lot 15, just about centered on the runway. We have a 3rd story observation floor, it really started as a non functioning cupola but we thought what the heck, lets make it fun.

If you ever get over to Z98 let me know


Back of house

This was an absolutely perfect day for flying in the Sierra. Left Reno (4SD) early this morning (well, not too early since my old 172 is tied down outside and had LOTS of frost) and flew over the mountains to visit my 86-year-old aunt near Sacramento. Had a great dinner, flew around locally and returned home just in time for sunset. Just enough moisture to give nice color, but not a breath of wind and virtually no traffic. Did a few night landings to end a perfect flying day (did I say perfect? except that it wasn't in my 9A... but soon!)

Cheers and happy holidays to all.

There's room!

Hi Peter,
C'mon over, there's plenty of room and plenty of airpark homes for sale. Five of them here alone, about 30 miles south of Savannah, Ga. (East coast of the USA.)

We'd love to have you in the most beautiful of countries to be blessed with;)

Beautiful in Texas

Christmas day we had 5 couples fly to Lake Murray Oklahoma State Park for eats. We played Frisbee Golf and went for a hike. Good friends, good WX, fun flight. We are blessed.

Happy New Year!!!!
Beautiful day to go flying

Christmas day we had 5 couples fly to Lake Murray Oklahoma State Park for eats. We played Frisbee Golf and went for a hike. Good friends, good WX, fun flight. We are blessed.

As Jay posted above, we had two RV6s, one RV8, one RV7a and one Tiger(RV7a is in paint shop) fly up to Lake Murray State Park for their XMAS buffet. Three planes from Pecan Plantation, one from Brownwood, and one from Hicks. It was a nice day to fly and visit with friends. After eating we sat at the table BS'ing for long time before breaking out the Frisbees for a lively Frisbee Golf match. The hike back to the airport through the woods ended our visit together. Life is good and we are truely blessed.
I have been reading these posts with envy until some of that beautiful weather came to Georgia today. What a perfect day to fly!!

The kids were too busy with Guitar Hero, and my wife was mad at me again....something about the mess I am making with the new airplane project. :eek: Anyway, I flew solo about 80 miles away to get a chef's salad and enjoy the solitude after being cooped up for a couple days.

During the flight, I was thinking......I love flying can bop your head and sing along to the music and you know you are not being watched, or listened to! Go ahead, pick yer nose. No problemo.

Is it a, its an RV :D