
I'm New Here

Well I have a new Ipad and have been checking out software for it. I have Skycharts and am looking at Foreflight and Wingx. I found another GPS app called Beacon.

Has anyone tried it out? If so what do you like/dont' like?

So far in my search I like how Wingx has the aopa airport info and its very easy to read. Foreflight is pretty good at the airport info also I think I like how Wingx is layed out better though. The gps pictures of the terrain on Beacon look very nice. I sure wish they had a demo! They do have a pdf of the user manual on their site. Wish Wingx Had a manual to download!
Haven't tried it out. I installed SkyCharts and have been satisfied so far with it. I did install Foreflight, but later removed it. So far it looks like I'll stick with SkyCharts, it's a keeper.