Cool video!

I am however super confused by how you guys operate radios up there. Is Kamloops controlled or uncontrolled? I'm sure it's different in Canada which makes me curious but it seemed like you were flying to an uncontrolled airport but ATC was acknowledging everything you announced. Care to explain how you guys operate the radios up there? I know that's a pretty broad question but I didn't realize there were that many differences.
Services in Canada

So in Canada we have uncontrolled airports, ATC controlled airports (larger / busy sites), or at moderately busy sites (such as Kamloops), FSS providing airport advisory service. The same traffic service as ATC, mandatory frequency, just no instructions or clearances. At some remote / northern sites, you will also find community aerodrome radio stations (CARS) which are similar to a UNICOM service providing basic traffic, weather and site NOTAMs

The FSS here are broken into two groups...airport advisory and flight information centers (which is my job!). The flight information centers are closest to what you are used to in the US with Leidos.

The level of service provided at any given airport is based on a combination of factors including traffic numbers, complexity and airspace.
So in Canada we have uncontrolled airports, ATC controlled airports (larger / busy sites), or at moderately busy sites (such as Kamloops), FSS providing airport advisory service. The same traffic service as ATC, mandatory frequency, just no instructions or clearances. At some remote / northern sites, you will also find community aerodrome radio stations (CARS) which are similar to a UNICOM service providing basic traffic, weather and site NOTAMs

The FSS here are broken into two groups...airport advisory and flight information centers (which is my job!). The flight information centers are closest to what you are used to in the US with Leidos.

The level of service provided at any given airport is based on a combination of factors including traffic numbers, complexity and airspace.

How cool! Thanks for the great explanation. I had no idea.

I would love to fly up to Canada (not too far for me) but not until/if BasicMed gets recognized. ;) Absolutely love the area you live!