
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I hate to jinx us, but if we speak really quietly, maybe the weather gods won't hear us....

The TAF's for central Texas tomorrow actually look promising for some flying....anyone want to meet somewhere for BBQ around lunchtime? I don't even care where....just anyplace out of the Houston area! It seems like I've been stuck here for weeks....

We made it to the first Saturday of the month BBQ at LaGrange today. Real light crowd. Sunday we are going to Coopers in Llano. Join us if you can.

Doug's out, Iron. Double kid duty. The yoga instructor leaves for the 'land of LA' Monday for a two week yogapalooza. Who would have tought the calmly act of yoga would so incredibly sidetrack my flying <grin>?

You guys have fun!

I'd love to join you guys. We just had our 2nd rain free day in a row!!!!

Unfortunately, I still haven't replaced the plane yet. Still on the hunt for a nice RV-4.
Mark said:

We made it to the first Saturday of the month BBQ at LaGrange today. Real light crowd. Sunday we are going to Coopers in Llano. Join us if you can.


What time you going to be there Mark? If the weather cooperates, I'll try and make it- have not had th pleasure of the Llano BBQ place before!

Of course, we were having a nice late afternoon here and then a huge boomer popped up and drenched the area - just got through. Living in hurricane alley with this much energy in the atmosphere is like standing in a fireworks stand with a lit cigarette....I wish this system would clear out before it starts something big! :eek:


We'll plan on an ETA of 11:15 and beat the church crowd if that works for you. Hope the weather co-operates for a change. The BBQ is every bit as good as the Hard Eight - maybe better (hows that for starting a war).

On the way back we can tour Lake Travis which is still over 700' with four floor gates open at Mansfield Dam. Bring your camera.
