
Well Known Member
Over the last few months, I've felt a change in the force. The RV community has changed. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's different. Not better. Not worse. Different.

Recent events have reminded me of this, to the point where I feel a need to following the lead of my BBQ buddy, Darwin, in cutting back on online groups and concentrating instead on the old-fashioned ways of homebuilding -- a smaller circle of local friends and endeavors, maybe finding something there that is missing in the larger RV world at the moment -- at least for me.

I've let Van's know that I will not be organizing or subsidizing any aspect of the RV BBQ at Oshkosh this year, and that I'm going to try to get back to the days of hanging out with a few close (at least for one week) friends, taking in the show and generally getting back to the grassroots of my homebuilding life.

I would presume that there are plenty of folks via VAF who will be willing to take on the BBQ and strongly encourage you to do so.

Bob, old friend. I 100% support your decision. Enjoy the show and you know where my camper will be parked, come on over and I will cook you a brat.
Thanks Bob Collins

Over the last few months, I've felt a change in the force. The RV community has changed. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's different. Not better. Not worse. Different.

Recent events have reminded me of this, to the point where I feel a need to following the lead of my BBQ buddy, Darwin, in cutting back on online groups and concentrating instead on the old-fashioned ways of homebuilding -- a smaller circle of local friends and endeavors, maybe finding something there that is missing in the larger RV world at the moment -- at least for me.

I've let Van's know that I will not be organizing or subsidizing any aspect of the RV BBQ at Oshkosh this year, and that I'm going to try to get back to the days of hanging out with a few close (at least for one week) friends, taking in the show and generally getting back to the grassroots of my homebuilding life.

I would presume that there are plenty of folks via VAF who will be willing to take on the BBQ and strongly encourage you to do so.

Doing what you did took an enormous amount of time, commitment, work, and probably some of your money. Clearly, you're burned out. Too much of anything is no good for anyone. This thing had gotten so big, you needed a paid staff to cover all the bases or work yourself to death. The RV community may not be changing at all, Bob. You've arrived at a point where it is simply too much and it is time to say enough already. It was a great party but it is over.

Beyond that, thanks to you and other volunteers for the effort, it was a fun thing to do at OSH - rain and all - I thoroughly enjoyed it as have hundreds of other RVers.
Take Care Bob!

Rest and renew....

I have been part of many fabulous endeavors over the years, and one thing that i have learned is that everything has a life cycle. New events get good reviews and grow - but not forever. Things change, people change, and eventually, they peak. Sometimes, they simply get so big that they can no longer be managed. the BBQ last year was my first, and I loved it - I will consider it to be a highlight! But I can see that it took too much time....

So go back and enjoy the building process. Visit here and elsewhere for knowledge when you need it. Don't log in anywhere - just build.

One of the best bits of advice I got when I started building was "Build an Airplane, not a web site", and the corollary "time spent on line is time spent away from building". My web presence increased after I flew....before that I tried to keep my nose to the scotchbrite wheel....


Everything David and Paul said is what I would have said, too. Thanks for all your hard work on the BBQ and call me anytime if you need anything - day or night.

Best always Bob,
I'll second (third?) what the others have said as well Bob! Ya done good buddy!!

I hope I can still get you to stake "the spot" again for me this year! ;) :cool:
What have I done? I KNEW I should never have said "--why don't you build one??" I am so sorry.

Seriously, Bob, we all appreciate what you have done, and I believe the seed you have planted will continue to grow. Let another cultivate it and enjoy the fruits of your labor. And do stop by the campsite.

Bob Kelly
Good for you Bob.

Enjoy Oshkosh, set up a nice camp, attend the airshow each day and have a few beers with friends and shoot the breeze over the SMALL bbq each night. Hope this is your best Osh ever.
Sad to Hear

Bob sorry to hear about the BBQ but glad that you're doing the right thing for yourself.

If anyone wants to step up and run the BBQ, Partain Transport will contribute money. I am sure that we could get a couple of other vendors to help out.

If you have any interest pm or email me and lets talk.
Whats that.

Did i hear Tony is doing it this year and bringing two monster trailers incase it rains? GOOD DEAL....i say it sounds like a plan.

If you are planning a BBQ, I shall fly over from UAE, to Australia to Oshkosh just to attend. I believe it would be well worth the trip..