
Well Known Member
Does anyone know of any sales or coupon codes for Odyssey batteries that is currently available? I haven't found anything and it's time for a new battery.

Easy; just remove the branding...



Of course, I'd never tell you to do as I've done for a couple of decades, and buy the best priced SLA with enough AH capacity for a/c use...

edit: I *do* look at either CCA, or source impedance (more useful, but not as often spec'd). There are some 'deep cycle' SLA models that might not crank an engine very well. But most I've seen in the 20AH+ range do fine as starting batteries, and you get additional alternator-out capacity, in the bargain.
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Be sure it'll fit your battery box; the dimensions are a bit different from the Odyssey.

Hope it works out,
