
Well Known Member
I've put my battery tray in the back and run the battery cable to the front with the holes through the wing spar where the plans show them...but looking through the fuselage where the aileron tubes run...that cable runs smack dab through the center of the aileron tubes. I know I'm supposed to adel clamp it up or down out of the way but those aileron tubes aren't far behind that main spar and it seems as though I'll need a **** of a kink in that cable to get it one way or another...and then I'll have a main battery cable trying to chafe it's way through a plastic grommet...won't I? Do I go up out of the way or down out of the way?

I'm not the first guy to get to this point...what am I missing? I called Vans and he seemed as stumped as I am.

It's a tight fit but it will work. Take a broomstick or a piece of PVC and place that through the aileron push tube holes in the fuselage. This will define the *lowest* point and provide you with some guidance on where to secure the battery cable.

I ran my cable along the floor, along the center line, and used adel clamps to secure it. You will find that you will have plenty of room to make a bend to pass through the spar area. Once the cable is in, it ain't moving.
Down out of the way. And yes, you'll need quite a "kink" in the cable, but it will work. I used a piece of wooden closet rod dowel to simulate the aileron tube. Stiff cable well clamped isn't going anywhere.