
Well Known Member
Yipi Skippy....basicmed completed. Now I'll see how high this machine will fly! And to know I'm legal if after dark arrival.

Has taken along time to get this one thru the gears of Goverment..
Only in the mountains can you fly a light sport over 10,000'.


Yes, but with BasicMed the pilot can use it as a Class III and fly to 18,000 ft can't he/she?

The 10,000 ft limit is on the pilot as a Sport Pilot rather than on the plane - correct?
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Yes, but with BasicMed the pilot can use it as a Calls III and fly to 18,000 ft can't he/she?

The 10,000 ft limit is on the pilot as a Sport Pilot rather than on the plane - correct?

You got it...correct! For us -12er's, we'll have to be careful not to crack that 18k altitude😎
I was peddling as fast as I could the day I got to 13.5 with just me and 12 gal of gas. Some of you slim trim racy guys might get a few extra hundred feet under the same circumstances, but I'll live a week longer when world famine hits!😝
I was peddling as fast as I could the day I got to 13.5 with just me and 12 gal of gas. Some of you slim trim racy guys might get a few extra hundred feet under the same circumstances, but I'll live a week longer when world famine hits!😝

You need nitricoxide injection in that baby!!

Just went to the FAA site to start the BasicMed process. I didn't get far as the informative PDF was "not found" Anyone else encounter this?

Thank you!
Basic med prescription question

I found a possible gotcha when I read the advisory for the doctor regarding prescriptions . If any of your drugs has a possible dizziness or driving label warning, it looks like you have to see AME . Previously the verbage included the statement that you were ok if you knew how it affected you and had a history with that drug. My guess is that you will end up getting a special issuance, not sure if it will be good for 1 year or 4 years. Might have to keep my slsa