
Well Known Member
So, my 3rd class medical expires 6/30/17. I assume that I need to take the on-line medical education course and medical examination prior to that date to continue flying under BasicMed. Is this correct?

Also, I might want to fly into Canada or Mexico which is not currently allowed if you don't have 3rd class or better. What is the likelihood that Canada and/or Mexico will allow pilots flying under BasicMed to legally fly as PIC in their airspace in the future?

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That's good news Dan. I just read in April "Flying" that you would "be limited to flying in the United States", and it made me wonder if I should renew my 3rd class. Glad to know AOPA is working on it. John
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That's good news Dan. I just read in April "Flying" that you would "be limited to flying in the United States", and it made me wonder if I should renew my 3rd class.

Yeah, but then you'd miss out on the examination of your anus and the inspection for tattoos and scars. :)
The key takeaway here is "requested"

I wouldn't think Bahamas or Canada would deny entry, just like they didn't deny experimentals. They are very GA friendly.
I don't believe they deny LSAs with a DL medical.
Who knows about Mexico?
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Denial would mean denial of US dollars. I expect sooner or later they will want the dollars.
4 years

If my 3rd class expires March 18, am I good for another two years before Basic Med kicks in and I go to my doc?
No. After 31 March you have no medical. Previous FAA medical exams don't count for Basic Med.
True, but. . . There is the option to not renew the FAA medical exam and then after the Basic Med goes into effect, follow the procedures for obtaining that. He would then be good to go after that date.

The caveat to this scenario does hold to what you stated. If he does follow this option, he would not be legal to fly from March 31 to whatever date he completes the Basic Med requirements, but he would be good to go after that date, whatever it were to be.