Well Known Member
My Kaiser Dr. just retired and I was assigned a new doctor. I asked him about doing a Basic Med physical and he told me that he wouldn't do it and he told me Kaiser legal won't let their doctors perform them (not sure this is true). Does anyone know a doctor near Livermore CA or in the bay area that will do the Basic Med physical.


From AOPA web site Basicmed Doc finder for Livermore zip code:

I did basicmed here:

However i feel it may be better to go to an AME/BasicMed doctor. If anything pops up during the exam he may be more comfortable with signing off (after perhaps prescribing something) rather than a random doctor who may think that you need to be in a perfect health to fly an airplane
My normal family doctor, Dr. Rangwala at Bay Valley Medical Group in Pleasanton, just did my BasicMed physical last Thursday. I gave her office the heads up before making the appointment that I was bringing a checklist and they were fine with it.
Kaiser Basic Med

My Kaiser doctor, Amitabh Joglekar in San Ramon, did my Basic Med without problem.
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