
Well Known Member
I posted mid week looking for suggestions on the best airport to use if Andi and I wanted to follow the Twins to Kansas City and catch the opening game of a 3 game series. Well, I got way more than an airport suggestion. Keith Schult let me know that Lee's Summit was the airport to use and that he would let me use his vehicle for a bit. That was already above and beyond, but when we landed - I found out he had found a spot in the local EAA hanger to stash 9PH for the evening.

Due to schedules, we never got a chance to meet - but I can tell you Keith is a great guy, as are Bill and Bob, who helped me get the plane in the hangar. I can't thank Keith enough.

We departed Minne about 2:30 in the afternoon and I worked with ATC. Andi assumed the RV position......


We floated over southern Iowa

And 2+ hours later, we landed at Lee's Summit. SS gas and good directions to BBQ and Baseball from the FBO guys.





More pics and captions here:

APRS track here:

Cost breakdown:

Gas: $150
BBQ: $30
BB Tix $30
Hotel $90

Not bad for a night out in a different city. All possible with an RV! Home by 11am this morning.

Thanks again to Keith and the Guys in KC. If we did not wear out our welcome, we will be back!!
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Keith and I worked Young Eagle flights this morning at Wheeler Downtown (KMKC) so didn't get a chance to meet you-glad you had a good time.

You're welcome anytime-lots of things to do and see in KC and we'll leave a light on in the hanger for you. Just remember that your weight and balance shifts a little bit with each BBQ stop. So much BBQ, so little time!
Glad you came to town...

but I'm sorry we didn't get to meet. Come back anytime.

It was cool tracking your flight down (via APRS)to KC on Friday. I actually just happened to log on to the website as you were lifting off the runway and I spent several minutes watching you vector around Minneapolis while climbing. It's interesting to see the APRS system work in almost real time.

I would like to say that our local EAA chapter is quite active. We have built three 80x80 hangars on the Lee's Summit airport grounds in the last several years. The spaces are then rented out to members who are either currently building or have finished airplanes to park. Between the three hangars we have about 19-20 permanent spaces, can almost always accomodate visitors for an overnight spot, and are always happy to do it. Let us know if you are coming to town and we'll check it out!
Pete your crew seems to be getting used to having her picture taken at every turn!

What a GREAT TRIP!!! How can you beat that?!? I bet you'll find a way!

- Peter

PS - Now lets get my top skins on so I can start on my flaps! Your pics are ALWAYS motivating!!!
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