Thierry A

Active Member
Been lurking for some time and thought it was time to introduce myself?.My project is an RV-9 and I?m currently working on the vertical stabilizer and have the rudder to complete before starting on the newly acquired wing kit.
So why the reference to Baseball?? I?m coaching a 14U club Baseball team that my son plays on. Last weekend we were playing in a tournament at the Gene Autry baseball complex in Mesa, AZ. Which happens to be just off the approach end of 4R at Falcon field (KFFZ).

A beautiful Saturday AZ morning for Baseball and flying?.during our pregame warm ups we treated to the CAF?s B-17 Sentimental Journey on final? the rest of the morning was a display of some fantastic aircraft including about 4 RV-8?s, 1 RV-4, and even an L-39, which made it difficult to concentrate on coaching?.just a really great morning and what an inspiration to keep building.

Thanks to DR and everyone on this forum that not only provide technical knowledge but share some great stories?..

Oh forgot to mention the boys won the Championship game 7-0?.Yea a pretty good day!!

You are absolutely correct. Gene Autry park is distracting. I umpire many levels of baseball and have worked games at that park for years. It is a constant parade of planes all day long and they are low!!!