
Well Known Member
After experimenting with all the available screens, I've found that I like to fly my plane with the GRT Sport SX in Map mode (the page with the moving map GPS, altimeter and airspeed tapes, and the strip of engine/fuel data along the bottom).

Is there any way to configure the unit so that I can change the barometric pressure setting on this page without having to change screens?

As it is, I'll change to a PFD screen, adjust the baro setting, and go back to the map. No big deal; just wondering if there was an easier way. Will call the GRT hotline if nothing turns up here. Thanks!
I don't think so.

I do the same thing-- fly on the map screen with the tapes, and flop back to PFD when I need to adjust baro. Unless they added this as a feature in the last 2 years, I don't think you can change it from the map.

You could always get a Mini and change it from there. :p
Have you tried running split screens? The PFD/MAP split allows baro adjustment.

During cruise I commonly run PFD/MAP (20 mile range) on one screen and ENG/MAP (100 or 150 mile range) on the other and set the EIS to show lean EGTs.
Thank you for the replies, Katie and Bill.

I'll give the PFD/Map screen a try...now that I've memorized the airspace around the home drome, the smaller GPS display might be OK.

Love the GRT EFIS... a great product! :D:D
The baro setting isn't frequently used as other options so it wouldn't get a high priority for buttonolgy. It would likely get buried under several next menus. Having a baro button on the map page thus wouldn't save you any button presses over going the the PFD.

The exception is the HXr which has 15 buttons and a dedicated baro button. Replacing the dedicated baro button with a map options dedicated button is currently being considered. That is because the map options is more frequently used than baro.

-Marc Robertson
GRT Avionics