Steve A

Well Known Member
Bill Dedo, a doctor in Lafayette, La was gracious enough to include me in a tour of Barksdale AFB on Saturday. Ray Fleming and I with our RV 7A's (and Bill as passenger) flew up and spent the day looking at B-57's and A-10's stationed in Barksdale. We got a ride in the simulator, saw the maintenance hangar, and got a tour of the flight line. Bill took some great photos that can be viewed at the following link. You don't realize the complexity and size of these amazing airplanes until you see them up close. The simulator requires 4 terraflops of computing power to process the 3D graphics needed to give a rendering of the ground as you fly by.

I am sincerely indebted to Ray and Bill for including me. And of course, the men and women of the Air Force who put blood, sweat and tears into a difficult and critically important mission. God bless them.
Great pics and seeing a flight line full of buff's (B-52's) sure brought back some memories!



I was stationed at Barksdale from 93-96. Got married on base in 94. One of my best assignments.
Barksdale AFB Tour, Shreveport, La.

Check out the simulator photos. Doing a roll was very interesting. I wanted to apologize for the topo, it is not B-57's but B-52's. I also found out why they call them buffs. Big Ugly Fat Frisbees or something like that.

S S Anderson
RV 7A Flying
Lafayette, La.