mike newall

Well Known Member
As you may not be on social media, here is breaking news.....

To all of Van’s Aircraft family,

It is with great joy and excitement but with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement from Vans at the end of February. As of Feb 19, I will have given Van’s the best 30 years of my life. It has been such an honor and a pleasure to work for a man who is so respected in the aviation industry and who has been such a great employer. I have been so grateful for the opportunity I was given 30 years ago when I applied for a job at Van’s and was hired after being a stay at home mom for 10 years prior while raising my 3 sons. I will truly miss my family at Van’s, not only my fellow colleagues and business associates, but all of our customers that I have helped over the years realize their dream of building and flying their own aircraft.

My position at Van’s has provided me the opportunity like no other to befriend many people all over the world. It is amazing to me that I have touched so many lives in these 30 years and am proud to be part of the Van’s family. I am humbled by the support and kind words given to me by my customers over the years and especially on the Facebook post celebrating my 29th anniversary. I have truly enjoyed working at Van’s Aircraft. I’ve had so much fun in my job and have learned so much from my customers about perseverance to realize your dreams.

As I prepare to start the next chapter in my life, I will remember those who through tremendous odds whether from age, illness, death of loved ones, job loss, etc... still persevered to build and fly their own aircraft even if it took many years to do so. You guys are a real testament to the adage that “if there is a will, there is a way”. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve you these past 30 years. I am proud to have worked for such a great company that has brought so much joy to others, and am especially grateful for you allowing me to be part of your dreams. I can only hope that I served you well. I will truly miss you all. Goodbye.

Good for her, here's to a happy and healthy retirement. 10 years at home raising her children and then another 30 on top of that. Will not see that with the generation coming.
Congratulations Barb,

No doubt you will be missed at Vans. All the best in your new ventures that await. Thank you for the help you provided me ordering the “kits”.

Best regards,

Thank you Barb !!!

Thank you Barb, you were great to deal with all my orders, deletions, additions etc...

Wish you all the best for your next chapter in life.
Thank you Barb, for your clear communications and assistance during my RV-10 purchases. You have been a key to Van's success as one of the customer facing members of the Van's team. You will be missed.

Congratulations on your retirement! Best wishes for your next phase of life. Hope you enjoy it!

Best Regards,
You most certainly spoke with, and assisted, every one of us who built or modified our RVs.

I am reminded of John Goodman's "Cajun Chef" skit on Saturday Night Live in the 90s (work with me, now). In that skit, "Cajun Chef" Goodman says a chef must spit in every pot. Why? (cue the Cajun accent)
"Because a little bit of you must go into everything you cook." :p:rolleyes:

Barb, a little bit of you has been there for every one of us these last 30 years. I hope you enjoy your next 30 years as much as Kelli and I have enjoyed KELLI GIRL. You deserve joy, pride in a job well done, and fond memories every time an RV flies over.

Thank you Barb! Van's won't be the same without you. :)
Good luck from here on >

Been building a 14A now for a few months over 6 years and getting close to finishing. It was always a pleasure to work things through with you - straightening out issues and getting answers to questions. Behave.
Barb, when we met at the front desk while picking up my tail kit there at Vans, it was clear that your mamma bear persona pervaded all operations. Raising Boys and babysitting Pilots seemed like your calling.

While signing up and getting the paperwork done on day one, you sized me up and decided right then and there whether or not I had the right stuff to build this plane. Can't say if that felt like a challenge or support, either way you set the tone for future success.

Your reprimands (ALWAYS include your builder number in ALL correspondence!) and generous support made it all work out.

Your voice and face will be missed, all the best in your future.

Congratulations Barb. You have a pleasure to work with over the years (and 2 RV builds). We know you will be missed there at Vans.

All the best and thank you for everything...........especially your patience when builders (from across the pond) came up with all kind of questions...

All the best!

Mit Fliegergruß!!

I feel a bit gutted, you have helped me so much and through the many builds we were emailing on a daily basis.

Whoever takes your job has big shoes to fill, I will miss your no nonsense get the job done approach, your support and kind words, in many ways you are the face of Vans and I for one will truly miss you.

All the best for the next chapter in your life, I wish you every success.

Kind Regards
Chad Boot
Sydney Australia.

Barb, I am certain that a great deal of Van's success has come as a result of your excellent customer service.

I can remember the first kit I ordered, (a long time ago when orders were mailed or faxed in and invoices came from a dot matrix printer). I called the number listed in the advertiser section of the EAA magazine a friend had given me to talk to someone about buying a kit, you answered, and then I listened while you patiently explained how I should fill out a form and order "a tail kit first". And then if I liked it, buy the rest of them.

Now, more than a few kits later, I'm sitting here looking over data available via "google" and vendor websites pondering which propeller to order for my latest "kit", and wondering, who's going to tell me "if you want a complete quote, you need to actually fill out the form this time." ;)

I have always enjoyed talking and corresponding with you - you will be missed.

I wish you all the best in your new adventure.

Barb, thank you for your support thru my epic journey. You are the one who kept feeding me as I walked along this path to my land of dreams.

You most certainly don't know me, but I have spoken to you many times. Thank you for all you have done from all us at the VansAirForce!
Congratulations and best of luck in retirement. Thanks for all your help when I was purchasing my kits for the 14A. You were a pleasure to deal with. Fair winds and Blue Skies!
I just placed my first order in December. Barb was the first person I worked with at Vans and my experience was terrific. Congratulations and I hope the best for you in your retirement, Barb. Now, I just hope there are more like you there!
Congratulations, Barb, and thank you for helping me with my kit orders over the years. You were great answering all my questions and making sure everything went smoothly!
Years ago I assisted a builder in Republic of Moldova to purchase an RV8 empennage kit. All was good till it was not. A FedEx contractor in that part of the world could not find the address so after globetrotting for over two months the tail came back to the factory. Barb sort it out promptly and dispatched the subkit with a different shipper. The empennage was received undamaged couple weeks later at premium price of course. Good job Barb to get job done! Happy retirement!
Unfortunately for us that have done business with you over the years, everything comes to an end. I’m hopeful that those that take your place will embrace the legacy of professional customer care that you have helped create at Vans Aircraft. Congratulations on your retirement. I committed that act several years ago (but not from building airplanes), and I can tell you, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, and I loved my job. If you have an avocation, like your kids, you will soon realize that it will be hard to understand how you ever had time to work. Enjoy the best part of your life, yet to come.
congratulations Barb!

You've been a great help all the years I've been building.

Enjoy your retirement!!!!
Barb, congratulations and bon voyage! We've only spoken a few times, each time you were absolutely great. Vans has been blessed by your presence.
Barb Congrats on your retirement!

One of the reasons I chose to build an RV was the great community involved with the aircraft. What I did not realize was the outstanding service and support Vans Aircraft employees offer. Thanks for your super support.


To a Happy and Healthy Future!


I have only been building for a matter of months.

And it has always been awesome working, emailing, and talking with you.

You have a great way with people.

Thanks so much for the way you handled our questions, (sometimes not so well thought out), our complaints, our whining about delays, etc.....

Through it all.... a real pleasure.

Vans and the community will be missing you.

Best to you and yours.



Enjoy your well earned retirement and thanks for ensuring all the kits and parts arrived safely across the pond


Barb, it was a very positiv experience ordering from Vans and especially dealing with you!
Wish you all the best for your retirement.
Congratulation Barbara. I will miss your friendly voice over the phone. I always felt that I was talking to a family member while ordering my parts.
It’s been great dealing with you over the years. I wish you the very best in retirement.
Blue Skies & Tailwinds Barb

You were certainly a huge help in the 2006 to 2011 era with my slow build RV7, Miss Sandy. Subsequent orders placed for my fuel tank repair business were flawless. You are a true professional and extremely patient with us in a sometimes frustrating situation. Being here in NE Georgia, the time zone difference, added to the exasperating wait to placing a call but you always were understanding and I really appreciated that calm demeanor. God Bless you and your family.
Hope you have a long and happy retirement!
Soon you will ask yourself how you had time to go to work, as you adapt!
Thanks for your patience and help over the years of my very long build QB 9A.
You will be sorely missed and someone will have very big shoes to fill.
All the best for future for you and your family.
Great Service

Thank you very much for your assistance at the time of the purchase, you make all The logistics to Chile very easy!!! have a great retirement!

Hello Barb, you may not remember me, but i have purchased and built 5 Vans aircraft over the past 20 years and your friendly and helpful voice was always the one i have the pleasure speaking with, I wish you the best and enjoy your retirement.

Barb- You are entering a special time in your life. I retired two years ago and have filled every moment with all of the things that can't be done easily when working. ENJOY!! and thanks for all the help.

Talked many times on the phone. Even one time she said "I know your name". All the best - well deserved
Enjoy your retirement

You've always been a pleasure to work with, you will be missed.
Barb, wishing you the best of times in your retirement. It was always such a pleasure dealing with you.
To many joyful years ahead!!
All the best!

We just started our RV-14A build, so we haven't gotten to know you as well as some on here. But our few interactions were wonderful! Your emails always carried a positive tone and you were very patient with the questions I asked. Many of which I'm sure were asked hundreds of times over your 30 years. :)

God bless you in your future endeavors!
You are a truly good human being.
As the voice of Van's, it always lifted my spirits when you came on the phone.
Please know, you made a difference to many thousands of people, all over the world.
Once international travel is easy again, you have so many people the world over who would love to show you their local area in their Van's magic carpet.
Enjoy your retirement, or whatever you have planned.
Melbourne, Australia.

Barb processed my first kit order in 1994 and my most recent just a couple of months ago. We met at the front desk many, many times in between. You have been a great asset to Van’s and the builder community. Congratulations on your retirement!

-Dan Benua
Repeat Offender
Congratulations !!!

There was a line in the Back to the Future movies, we dont need any stinkin' roads!

That was Barb, when policy, forms, etc got confused and did not allow a way forward. Barb always came to the rescue, no matter the problem was calm and reassuring - -the issues disappeared!!

You are going to love the new freedom, Barb, live long!
Enjoy the next chapter. It took me all of a day to adjust to retirement, although I do miss the social interaction at work.